'Attraction' peony References
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 30. Japanese Peonies: The Japanese peonies resemble the single peonies in that they have wide guard petals but instead of a tuft of pollen bearing stamens in the center they have a tuft of narrow petaloids. Attraction (Hollis). Guard petals deep Tyrian rose, center petaloids tipped yellow. Each $2.00
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 75. . ATTRACTION. Species— P. albiflora. Originated by Hollis, 1906. Donated by Farr. Description of bloom—Type of bloom Japanese. Form of bloom flat, medium compact. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) tyrian rose 4 (155); guards, tyrian rose, clear; center clear. Center same color as guards, tipped with yellow, fades more quickly than guards. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Very large size. Description of plant — Habit of plant erect, medium to tall, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, medium to light green, medium size; veins reddish green. Commercial value — For cut bloom poor, landscape value medium. Variety as a whole medium.
Website/Catalog (1908) Page(s) 8. The following list includes those Wonderful Glowing Suns termed JAPANESE VARIETIES. All the varieties presented here made their advent in my gardens, and their singularity consists in their being entirely destitute of pollen, and sometimes Nature asserts herself by showing a variety entirely destitute of any pollen or glandulous formation whatever, a mere mass of filaments like A CROWN OF THORNS surrounded by a guard of petals. Attraction (1906) crimson pink guards, purplish crimson center, fine ...$ .50
Book (1907) Page(s) 29. 207. ATTRACTION. P (Hollis, 1906) (1) 1906, Geo. Hollis Cat.
Website/Catalog (1906) Page(s) 4. Japanese Varieties $1.00 each, except noted. These were all originated by me. In these varieties the outer or guard petals are large, and the inner ones are transformed into golden stamens, (without pollen,) or very narrow filimentaceous petals; making them very unique flowers. Attraction, crimson pink, very fine. ...$1.00