'Artémise' peony References
Website/Catalog (1925) Page(s) 39. Paeonia sinensis...Arthémise. Lilac-pink filling, cream-salmon-coloured...1 piece M 2.-, 100 pieces M 180.-
Website/Catalog (Aug 1910) Page(s) 10. Artémise (Calot); rose.
[no longer listed in the 1930 catalogue]
Website/Catalog (1910) Page(s) 40. Paeonia sinensis...Arthémise. Densely filled cup form. The large-petalled cup is fresh lilac-pink, the filling cream-salmon intermixed with lilac-pink.
Book (1907) Page(s) 27. 186. ARTHEMISE; P....(Calot, 1861) (1) 1861, Dessert's MSS. (2) Cornell Plots Nos. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 1633.
Website/Catalog (1903) Page(s) 1. DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PAEONIES ....SERIES A Plants 50 cents each. Artemise, soft rose pink; fine.
Website/Catalog (1901) Page(s) 62. Pivoines herbacées Prix: 25 variétés, 12 francs. A notre choix exclusif, 100 plantes en 25 variétés, prix: 35 francs. Artémise (Calot).