Magazine (Jun 2020) Page(s) 6 & 8. Vol 42, No. 2. Includes photo(s). p6. Like Babe (p. 8), it was preserved by Gretchen Wheen.
p8 Babe, A. Miers, 1935. Opens darker pink. Few prickles, a rare feature in Polyanthas.
Website/Catalog (4 May 2013) Name: 'Babe' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Babe Pol, pb, Hazelwood. Introductions: 1958
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 2. Babe. Polyantha. 1935. Australia. Hedging. Semi-double. Prickles fewer. Many blooms in clusters. Recurrent. 1.0m x 1.0m light pink.
Book (2000) Page(s) 100. Includes photo(s). ‘Babe’ = Polyantha. See ref Botanica's Roses, The Encyclopedia of Roses. Miers, Australie, 1935.
Book (1999) Page(s) 33. A. Miers. New South Wales.* We have no information concerning A. Miers. Babe – 1935. Unknown breeding. Polyantha Bush rose. Semi-double, light pink shaded darker flowers, without fragrance, fading near white with pink blotching, in large clusters, fully recurrent. Small
[*see 1936 reference]
Book (1999) Page(s) 100. Includes photo(s). Babe. Polyantha. Pink blend. Repeat-flowering. This is a very short growing Polyantha Rose that makes a good low border plant. The small pale pink flowers come in clusters of 5-15 and show up well against the mid-green foliage. It is disease free, although the repeat-flowering is average. The maximum effect will be gained if bushes are planted close together. There are very few thorns. Zones 5-9. Miers, Australia 1935. Parentage unknown.
Book (1999) Page(s) 11. Babe. Miers. Australia. 1935. Polyantha. Pink. [available from] Golden Vale, Gretchen, Trewallyn.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 7. Babe. Polyantha. 1935. Australia. Double. Recurrent. 0.9m x 1.1m. light pink.
Website/Catalog (1997) Page(s) 12. Roses by H. H. Hazelwood of N.S.W. Captain Watkins. and Babe. 1958 Polyantha. Clusters of semi double, light pink blooms with darker shadings. A recurrent, low-growing bush to 1m x 1 ¼ m.
[refer 1958 reference]
Book (1996) Page(s) 14. Babe. Miers, Australia. 1935. Polyantha. Pink. [Available from] Golden Vale. Trewallyn.