'Rambling Rector' rose References
Book (2016) Page(s) 230. Includes photo(s). 'Rambling Rector' Breeder unknown. Introduced by Daisy Hill Nursery, Ireland, 1912. Could be much older. Parentage unknown. Class: hybrid multiflora. it has been suggested that this is a very old rose that has been rediscovered and renamed. The small, semi-double, fragrant, creamy-white flowers form large clusters. They have a lightly cupped form. Small, orange hips are formed after the flowers are gone. The rose is said to grow as much as 20 ft. (6 meters) and, true to form, my plant has grown to about 16 feet (5 meters) over the roof of my garden shed and is capable of growing taller. It is often confused with 'Seagull ', which resembles it very closely. It has more petals than 'Seagull', which is supposed to be almost single.
Book (2005) Page(s) 179. Includes photo(s). 'Rambling Rector' HMult. Peut-être un hybride de R. multiflora et de R. moschata. Commercialisé avant 1912. Hauteur: de 6 m à 8 m. Non-remontante. ...Les roses, plûtot petites, n'ont que deux rangées de pétales aux contours un peu irréguliers. Elles se groupent en d'innombrables inflorescens, presque pyramidales, capables de cacher la feuillage sous une véritable avalanche neigeuse, qui répand un merveilleux parfum. Les feuilles sont vert clair et mates, avec des folioles allongées, duveteuses sur la face inférieure.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 348. Rambling Rector England, 1910... pink-white... its flowers are creamy on opening... the flowers fade to white... delicious R. multiflora fragrance...
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 496. Includes photo(s). Rambling Rector Rambler. Pre-1912... an intense scent and semi-double white flowers... Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit 1993
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 110. Includes photo(s).
Book (1998) Page(s) 143. 'Rambling Rector' c. 1900 'One of the most vigorous of all roses ... It has handsome, almost persistent foliage, and large trusses of white flowers'; very vigorous; flowers double, in large erect clusters, opeing cream and fading white; with 'delicious' fragrance of R. multiflora. According to Thomas (1983: 71) this was first included in a Daisy Hill catalogue in 1912; it was listed earlier, in catalogue no. 51 (1901-1902). It is just possible that Tom Smith named this rose, but there is no indication in the catalogues that he bred or discovered it. If Smith did name this rose, it would be amusing to know at which rectory he obtained it. Who the rambling rector was we will probably never know! 'Many an old corrugated iron shed would beome less of an eyesore if supporting 'Rambling Rector' (Beales 1985: 274). refs: Newry roses no. 51: 19 (1901-1902); Thomas, Climbing Roses Old & New, 70-71 (1983); Trees & shrubs no. 101: 14 (1921). illusts: Beales, Classic Roses, 78 (photgraphs) (1985). PF [RHS Plant Finder] 1997: propagation vegetative only, by cuttings or grafting.
Book (1996) Page(s) 74. Includes photo(s). Rambling Rector Rambler... A plant in full flower resembles a creamy-white cloud...
Magazine (1996) Page(s) 113. 'Rambling Rector'; c. 1912 Listed in Newry Roses (cat. 101), and stated by Thomas (1983) to be included in the 1912 rose catalogue too. Perhaps introduced by the Daisy Hill Nursery.
Book (1995) Page(s) 35. Includes photo(s).
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 233. Rambling Rector Almost pure Rosa multiflora but semi-double... its flowers are creamy on opening... the flowers fade to white... It was included in the Daisy Hill Nursery catalogue for 1912.