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'Bourbon Queen' rose References
Book  (Dec 2019)  Page(s) 21.  
The first [direct descendant of 'Rose Edouard'] is a Bréon seedling from 1820, most likely from hips originated from Reunion. ...The second is the 'Rose des Ile-Bourbon' or 'Bourbon Queen', released by Mauget in 1834. Since it is later, this plant is assumed to derive from a seedling of 'Rose Edouard', then established in France since 1822. Alternatively, this rose might have been another seedling from Bréon...
The genetic fingerprints of the two candidate roses [plus 'Bourbon Jacques']...which are tetraploids, were compared with those of the 'Rose Edouard'. The DNA tests show in both cases an identity of 50% of the markers for each locus considered, which means at least two of the four alleles. Among these shared markers, there is often an 'Old Blush' allele and a 'Four Seasons' allele, from the grandparents....Our results provide evidence that the 'Rose Jacques' and 'Rose des Ile Bourbon' represent direct descendants of 'Rose Edouard'
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 41,43.  
The location of Queen of Bourbons (B5) [ex Antique Rose Emporium] in the dendogram raised some questions, but the Principle Coordinate Analysis shows that it is indeed set apart from China Roses by its third dimension, which is much larger, like the main group of Bourbons and Noisettes. This supports the earlier discussion that 'Queen of Bourbons' is genetically allied with the other Bourbons, but with perhaps more China Rose influence in the background.
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 29.  
Tetraploid...Queen of Bourbons [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 409.  
Queen of bourbon Chromosome number 21  [Provenance: Guillot]
Newsletter  (2001)  Page(s) 9. Vol. 22, No. 1.  
Rosemary Heather:  ....collected Peter [Beales] from his Wellington hotel on the morning of November 13 and brought him to the Pauatahanui Public Cemetery...... Peter was able to correct a wrongly identified rose to Bourbon Queen
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 493.  Includes photo(s).
‘Queen of Bourbons’/’Bourbon Queen’/’Reine des Iles Bourbon’/’Souvenir de la Princesse de Lamballe’: description… D’une santé de fer, il tolère la négligence et se plaît dans les jardins campagnards. [photos = fleur et fruits]
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 146.  
But it was Nancy Lindsay's roses that we particularly went to see. We had had lists of her roses with lengthy descriptions, and were enthralled by her enthusiasm. The thought-provoking names poured from her. For some years i was frustrated by these names because I could not find them in any of the old French books in my possession, nor in the Lindley Library. At length the reason dawned on me. Finding an unknown rose in an old garden without a name she let her fancy run free and coined a name for it. Thus did the following names appear in commerce (in her own catalogue): 'Souvenir de la Princesse de Lamballe' which proved to be Bourbon Queen
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 30, 51.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 133.  
Bourbon Queen ('Reine de l'Île Bourbon') Bourbon. Breon-Mauget (France) 1835. An old cottage favourite, still seen up and down the country, displaying its semi-double magenta and pink flowers mainly in June. They are cupped and loose, and the petals are crinkled and beautifully veined with a darker shade. Reaches some 10 or 12 feet as a climber, but can be pruned to a shrub. The leaves are leathery, mid green, and distinctly toothed. Judging by a portrait of this rose in Komlosy I have doubts about my plant being true to name, but it is well established in various collections in this country. Sometimes known as 'Souvenir de la Princesse de Lamballe'.
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 92.  Includes photo(s).
Bourbon Queen ('Souvenir de la Princesse de Lamballe', 'Reine des Iles Bourbon', 'Queen of Bourbons') Bourbon. Mauget (France) 1835. Description... Named for the supposedly lesbian confidante of Queen Marie Antoinette who was torn to pieces by the mob in revolutionary Paris... mallow-pink rose... Parentage unknown
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