'montana grandiflora' clematis References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Includes photo(s). Clematis montana Buch.-Ham. ex DC. var. grandiflora See Clematis montana Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Grandiflora is similar to the type but with much larger, white flowers. [RHSE, Hortus, Hilliers’].
Horticultural & Botanical History The Gardeners Chronicle reported the introduction of C. montana grandiflora, a large-flowered variant from China. [Gard. Chron. 1844]. ‘This handsome variety of the very fragrant Clematis montana flowered, in the open ground, in the garden of Mr. Veitch of Exeter, at the same time with the ordinary form of the plant, of which the blossoms are not half so large. Both are well worth cultivating in gardens, where there is accommodation for climbers. The profusion of large flowers, the delicacy of their colour, and their fragrance, are strong recommendations. The species is a native of Northern India. Dr. Buchanan Hamilton collected it at Chitlong in the valley of Nepal, flowering in April. Mr.Blinkworth gathered it in Kamaon, and Dr. Royle notices it as prevalent in the Himalayan Mountains, at an elevation of from 5,000 to 7,000 feet above the level of the sea. In our country it flowers in early summer, and indeed, through the month of September. In a few years it ought to become a very general plant, for it strikes readily from cuttings, and from layers.’ [BM t.4061/1844].
History at Camden Park Listed only in the 1857 catalogue [T.323/1857]. Probably obtained from Veitch’s Nursery, brought out from England by Captain P. P. King in 1849 although the record is a little ambiguous, the ‘o’ next to the name, denoting a plant new to the colony, being crossed out. [ML A1980-3].
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 208. Includes photo(s).
Book (11 Oct 2000) Page(s) 8. Includes photo(s). Clematis montana f. grandiflora Group One
Book (1999) Page(s) 130. Clematis alpina'Grandiflora', cv., 1972
Website/Catalog (1966) Page(s) 48. CLÉMATITES. ....A floraison printanière. montana « Grandiflora ». Fleurs blanches. La pièce 10,00
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 30. Clematis ....Medium-sized blooms approx. 3/5 cm bloom diameter.....Clematis montana grdfl., likes sun and drought, halfshade, light blush, mass-bloomer, strong climber, 80 to 100 cm, May to June ...2 Mark [10] 18,-- [100] 160,--
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 84. Includes photo(s). Clématite montana grandiflora. Clématite à petit fleurs. (voir variétés divers.)
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 13. Montana grandiflora; plante très vigoureuse à grandes fleurs blanches, paraissant au printemps ...3 fr.
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 107. Clématite montana grandiflora. Très belle et vigoureuse variété; fleur blanches en mai.
Magazine (Nov 1919) Page(s) 163. ....Voici à peu près dans quel ordre s’épanouissent les fleurs de ces diverses sortes de Clematis montana : En mai, Clematis montana grandiflora, puis les Cl. repente-montana rubens diversement nuancés ; ensuite les Repente-montana grandiflora à fleurs blanches.