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'Beauty of Worcester' clematis References
Book  (Oct 2001)  Page(s) 124.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis 'Beauty of Worcester'
Richard Smith and Company (England) 1886
C. 'Purpurea Elegans' x C. 'Countess of Lovelace'
... reddish purple, double and semi-double flowers... [first bloom] on the previous season's old wood... a basal row of six tepals... There are six or seven further concentric layers of tepals... each layer slightly smaller in diameter than the previous one... The reverse of each tepal carries a white bar along the center. Single flowers produced on new growths later in the current season carry six tepals. Stamens are creamy yellow with a tinge of green...
Book  (Apr 1998)  Page(s) 30.  
C. 'Beauty of Worcester'
Messrs Smiths of Worcester, circa 1890... double purple-blue flowers...
Book  (1915)  Page(s) 176.  
Clematis. — There is no more popular hardy climber than the Clematis.  One or two should be grown in the smallest garden.  They can be used to cover any structure from a few feet to 50 feet high.  A selection of different sorts will ensure a succession of flowers from April to October. [...] There are numerous named varieties; a dozen of the best to furnish flowers from May to October are as follows:
Beauty of Worcester, violet-blue...
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 109.  
Large Flowering Clematis
Beauty of Worcester. (New.) A magnificent sort with enormous flowers of clear sky-blue, contrasting strikingly with the cluster of pure white stamens.
Magazine  (Jun 1912)  Page(s) 229.  
Le 22 mai dernier, Leurs Majestés, le Roi et la Reine inauguraient, dans les jardins de l’Hôpital royal de Chelsea, une exposition dont le succès n'a pas de précèdent dans les annales de l’horticulture....    Geo Jackman and Sons, ces derniers ont, autre part, un splendide massif de Clématites fleuries, parmi lesquel les : Beauty of Worcester, Lady Neville, Nelly Moser, etc.
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 77.  
Summer and Autumn Clematis.
In bloom from July to October.
These flower upon the wood of the current year's growth, and should therefore be pruned to five or six eyes.  
Beauty of Worcester, lovely bluish violet, with prominent pure white stamens...  2s. 0d
Website/Catalog  (1907)  Page(s) 65.  
Clematis in pots to plant out in spring and summer.
General Collection.
Beauty of Worcester (lanuginosa), bluish-violet.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 52.  
Principal garden varieties of Clematis:
Lanuginosa type. (July to October.)
Beauty of Worcester... Bluish-violet, white stamens.
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