'Sweet Sunblaze' rose References
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 198. ‘Pretty Polly’/Meitonge/’Pink Symphony’/’Sweet Sunblaze’: Rosiers miniatures, roses de patio. Parents: ‘Darling Flame’ x ‘Air France’. Obtenteur: Meilland 1988. Description.
Website/Catalog (23 Oct 1998) Page(s) 26. Pretty Polly (MEItonje) Patio Rose. Meilland 1989. Soft pink double blooms of good shape and great charm which open to reveal deeper pink shadings in the heart of the flower...
Book (1996) Page(s) 67. Pretty Polly (MEItonje, 'Pink Symphony', 'Sweet Sunblaze') Dwarf Cluster-flowered (Patio) shrub. Description... cupped double rose pink flowers... Parentage: 'Coppélia 76' x 'Magic Carrousel'. Meilland (France) 1989.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 456. Pink Symphony Miniature, light cardinal pink, 1987, (MEItonje; 'Pink Symphonie'; 'Pretty Polly'; 'Sweet Sunblaze'); 'Darling Flame' x 'Air France'; Meilland, Mrs. Marie-Louise. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 294. Includes photo(s). Pretty Polly (MEItonje) Dwarf cluster-flowered patio. Parentage: 'Coppélia' x 'Magic Carrousel'. France 1988. Description and cultivation... small, shapely, rose-pink blooms...
Book (1991) Page(s) 85. Nola Simpson, New Zealand International Rose Trial Ground Awards. Trial No. 20. 1988-1990. 'Pretty PoIIy' (MEltonje) Min. This miniature has an excellent growth habit, bushy and compact, always looked very clean and attractive with flowers profusely all season and is very healthy. Bred by Meilland, France.