'Duke of Devonshire' peony References
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 12. Kelway's Peonies. Kelway, of England, has produced some very fine varieties, such as Baroness Schroeder, James Kelway, Lady Alexandra Duff, and various other sorts. Duke of Devonshire. "A large variety of deep rose color, with large outer guard petals, and dense center."—Journal of Horticulture. Award of Merit, R.H.S. $1.25.
Magazine (Nov 1911) Page(s) 145. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Species — P. albifiora. Originated by Kelway, 1896. Donated by Cottage Gardens Company. Description of bloom — Type of bloom rose. Form of bloom flat, compact. Differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total effect) solferino red 3 (157); guards clear; collar same as guards; center clear; uniform color. Narrow petals found scattered through the bloom. Fragrance pleasant X. Blooming time late. Size very large. Description of plant— Habit of plant erect, tall, compact. Growth strong and healthy. Stem long, strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, medium green, medium size ; veins reddish green. Commercial value — For cut bloom medium; landscape value extra good. Variety as a whole good.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 4. Duke of Devonshire. Deep rose, with large outer guard petals and dense center....$ 1 25
Book (Apr 1907) Page(s) 69. 692. DEVONSHIRE, DUKE OF ; P ( Kelway, 1896) (1) 1896, Kelway's Cat. Fewkes' MSS. (2) 1895, The Gardening World, Vol. 11, p. 678. (3) 1904, Harrison's Paeony Manual, p. 43. (4) Cornell Plot No. 460.
Book (1907) Page(s) 37. Duke of Devonshire Kelway. Large, deep red; one of the finest. Very brilliant and striking.
Website/Catalog (1903) Page(s) 3. KELWAY’S LATEST INTRODUCTIONS OF DOUBLE HERBACEOUS PAEONIES Duke of Devonshire, a large flower of deep rose, very fine ; award of merit R. H. S...$1.50.
Book (Mar 1852) Page(s) 52. Plantes envoyées par Mr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold, à Leyden. Concours no. 24. 3734 Pæonia Moutan duc de devonshire.
Les pivoines en arbre, importées du Japon par Mr. von Siebold en 1844 dans son établissement à Leyden, sont depuis 1850 cultivées et multipliées par ses soins de Mr. Baumann, à Gand.
Magazine (Oct 1850) Page(s) 243. It is said the Chinese reckon their varieties of Moutans by hundreds, as we do with Roses and other flowers in this country. Dr. Siebold obtained from the Imperial Gardens of Jeddo and Mijako all the finest sorts known in Japan, and cultivates them in his nursery at Leyden. The following are in his enumerated list: Duc de Devonshire. Petals carmine red. Disk (centre) dark purple.