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'P. lactiflora 'Lady Alexander Duff'' peony References
Book  (Jan 2000)  Page(s) 77.  
Lady Alexandra Duff Herbaceous Peony. Kelway 1902. A blush-pink double...
Website/Catalog  (1948)  Page(s) 67.  
Strong, 3 to 5 eye divisions
Lady Alexander Duff. Pink...40¢
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 9.  
Lady Alex Duff (Mid-season) Very fine blush pink extra. 50¢
Website/Catalog  (1936)  Page(s) 21.  
Paeonia sinensis Lady Alex. Duff  ....1 piece RM 1.50
Website/Catalog  (1931)  Page(s) 21.  
Double Chinese peonies...Paeonia sinensis Lady Alexander Duff, warm salmon-pink, gigantic singular bloom, 70/90 cm, June, 3,-- Marks [10] 27,-- [100] 240,--
Book  (1928)  Page(s) 62.  
A List of Sixty Choice Peonies of the More Expensive Varieties
Pink Varieties
Lady Alexandra Duff (Kelway).  9.1.  One of the largest and most beautiful of all peonies.  An immense, loosely built flower with great broad rounded petals so exquisitely arranged as to make a flower of most ravishing beauty.  In color it is a lovely French White.  This flower looks white but when closely scrutinized it shows the white tinted with the most delicate pink imaginable.  When not disbudded, the central flower is loosely double of a rather flattened, circular form, with the central petals touched with carmine.  It is a beautifully formed flower and sweet scented.  The plants are exceedingly free flowering and very showy.  The side flowers, which open after the central flower, come semi-double saucer shaped and show stamens.  Taken all in all this is positively one of the most beautiful of all peonies, and should we be asked to name the twelve most beautiful peonies Lady Alexandra Duff would be one of the twelve.
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 18.  
Lady Alexandra Duff (Kelway) 
American Peony Society Rating of 8.1 (49 votes)
Delicate pale pink fading to white.  Very large cup-shaped flower.  Main flowers rose type with wide imbricated petals; blossoms from side buds often semi-double.  Distinct and charming.  Each $3.00
Website/Catalog  (1926)  
Lady Alexandra Duff - (Kelway). Outer petals pale rose, gradually shading lighter toward the center to a rosy white, some carmine markings; semi-rose type. Probably the most famous peony in the world, and for years sold at $25.00 a root; it is excellent for landscape and cut flower purposes. The main blooms are double, and the side blooms are usually single or semi-double, and somewhat resemble delicate pink water lilies. Three year old clump - $6.00
Magazine  (1924)  
Lady Alexandra Duff—There has been many varieties sold under this name ; the true variety has very broad petals and is a very pretty pink; flowers on the main stem are very double on established plants; but small plants and side blooms are often half single... 6.00 Each
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 90.  
Lady Alexandra Duff. Loosely built bloom. Central petals touched red. Lateral flowers are semi-double, showing stamens prominently. Pale blush pink on opening, it fades rapidly to white. Kelway, 1902. Rose. White. Large. Early midseason. Fragrant. Tall, strong, free bloomer. Garden and cutting.
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