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'James Kelway' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 9.  
James Kelway (Mid-season) White overlaid delicate pink. 50¢
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 18.  Includes photo(s).
Kelway's Lovely Double Herbaceous Pæonies
James Kelway, very fine white; beautifully scented; of exquisite form. Has proved to be one of the very finest and most satisfactory of all Pæonies. 5/- each.
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 18.  
James Kelway (Kelway 1900) 
American Peony Society Rating of 8.7 (49 votes)
White, overlaid with a delicate flush of pink and a touch of yellow at the base of petals.  Large, fragrant, semi-rose type flower.  Early midseason free bloomer.  Each $1.50
Website/Catalog  (1926)  
James Kelway - Very large, loose, semi-rose type. Rose-white, changing to milk-white, tinged yellow at the base of petals. Strong grower, medium height. Early midseason. Three year old clump $3.00.
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 89.  
James Kelway. Beautiful broad petals, tinged with palest rose. Base of petals yellow. Golden stamens show in centre. Kelway. Semi-rose. White. Very large. Midseason. Fragrant. Medium to tall, vigorous grower. Cutting.
Website/Catalog  (1912)  Page(s) 12.  
Kelway's Peonies.
Kelway, of England, has produced some very fine varieties, such as Baroness Schroeder, James Kelway, Lady Alexandra Duff, and various other sorts.
James Kelway. A very fine white, exceedingly sweet scented. $1.50.
Magazine  (Nov 1911)  Page(s) 115.  
Species— P. albiflora.
Originated by Kelway.
Donated by Cottage Gardens Company.
Description of bloom — Type of bloom semi-rose. Form of bloom flat, loose. Not differentiated. Not entirely transformed. Color (total eft'ect) 1 (8) rose white ; guards prominently flecked with crimson ; collar lighter than guards, fades milk white ; center clear, central parts have yellow veins toward base. Fragrance unpleasant X. Blooming time mid-season. Very large size.
Description of plant — Habit of plant medium erect, medium height, medium compact. Growth medium to strong, healthy. Stem medium long to long, medium strong, reddish green. Blooming habit free. Buds borne in clusters, healthy. Foliage well furnished, light green, medium size ; veins green.
Commercial value — For cut bloom good; landscape value good. Variety as a whole good.
Remarks — Came from Peterson Nursery as such. Identical with "Lady Derby" from Shaylor and Thurlow, and "Mrs. Gwyn-Lewis" from Farr.
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 6.  
JAMES KELWAY. Very large bloom, white showing golden anthers in the center. Good keeper...$ 5 00
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 14.  
As a general thing, many of Kelway's varieties will have the sulks and refuse to blossom, on account of the conditions not suiting their case. They are like the Englishman coming from all the comforts of the old country, who cannot adapt himself to our frontiers and is always grumbling about "the blarsted country."
I make the following memorandum from many of his list:
Lady Curzon. No bloom in live years.
James Kelway. The same record.
Prince of Wales. One bloom in six years.
Mr. Brighton. No bloom.
Summer Day. Bloomed once, but had on a dress that did not belong to her.
Joan Seaton. Never a bloom.
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