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'P. macrophylla' peony References
Article (magazine)  (2014)  Page(s) 231.  
Within the section Paeonia, four Caucasian species are cited as yellowish to yellow - P. wittmanniana, P. macrophylla, P. mlokosewitschii and P. tomentosa. The flowers of P. wittmanniana and P. macrophylla start off white or very pale yellow. P. tomentosa remains an enigma for authors but is probably white-flowered. Only P. mlokosewitschii, described from Lagodekhi National Park in East Georgia, has pale lemon yellow flowers.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 125, 127.  
Black Sea Region. Eastern Black Sea Mountains. Artvin / Bayburt / Erzurum / Giresun / Gümüshane / Rize / Trabzon
....Pontic Alps....Within the open areas of the forests in the mountain chain, as well as above the tree limit, there are many shrub plant communities...Where grazing is not made. a strong herbaceous plant cover has developed, characteristically....Paeonia wittmanniana var. nudicarpa....
Species andangered on national level....Paeonia wittmanniana var. nudicarpa (R)...
Article (magazine)  (2003)  Page(s) 145.  
1 Leaflets villose and (or) pilose on lower surface or glabrous; oblong or elliptic-oblong; apex rounded, acute to acuminate.
2 Petals yellow or yellowish white, but sometimes red at periphery or with a red spot at
base: leaflets always villose or pilose.
3 Carpels and follicles glabrous or nearly glabrous
5 Leaflets mostly densely villose or pilose and thus greyish on lower surface..............ssp. macrophylla (Albow) D. Y. Hong
Article (magazine)  (2003)  Page(s) 137.  
Georgia: Borjomi, Bakuriani, 1700 Volcanic rocks, N. slope, pure Fagus forest, ..S. slope, Picea orientalis forest and glade..The type locality of P. steveniana (= P. daurica ssp. macrophylla)

Georgia: Adjaria, Machuhtseti, 1160 m NE. slope, Fagus forest ....The type locality of P. macrophylla (= P. daurica ssp. macrophylla)
Article (magazine)  (2003)  Page(s) 147-148.  Includes photo(s).
Paeonia daurica ssp. macrophylla (Albow) D. Y. Hong. stat. nov. = Paeonia corallina var. wittmanniana f. macrophylla Albow, Prodr. Fl. Colchicae. 15. 1895. Paeonia macrophylla (Albow) Lomakin in Trud Tiflis Bot. Sada, 2: 282, 1897;.....Paeonia wittmanniana Steven in Bull. Soc. Nat. Moss. 21(3): 275. 1848;.....Paeonia steveniana Kemularia-Nathadze in Trud Tbilisi Bot. Inst. 21: 15. 1961. TYPE: The same as that of Steven’s wittmanniana.
This subspecies was established as a new taxon by Albow (1895) and raised to specific rank by Lomakin (1897) on the basis of larger leaflets. The entity is characterized by larger leaflets and glabrous carpels. However, glabrous carpels also occur in the subspecies wittmanniana and Figure 10 shows that the larger leaflets are only part of the continuous variation of leaflets in size in the complex. We have not found any other character which distinguishes it from the others. The subspecies is confined to the high mountainous area in south-western Georgia (Adjaria, Guria, south Imereti, south-west Kartli and Meskheti) and in north-eastern Turkey at altitudes from (800) 1200 to 2200 m. It grows in deciduous forests or mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forests and also in glades, with no specific soil preference. This subspecies is a tetraploid with the chromosome number 2n = 20..
Book  (Jan 1999)  Page(s) 32.  
Paeonia macrophylla is like P. wittmanniana with larger leaves of darker green, and white flowers tinged with yellow.
Magazine  (1942)  Page(s) 264.  
Finet and Gagnepain (1904) first pointed out that the plants of western China then passing as P. obovata Maxim. were actually indistinguishable from P. Wittmanniana Stev. of Persia. Stapf did not take their publication into account in his description....
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 31.  
Single-blooming peonies...Wittmanniana hybr. Sulphur-yellow passing to salmon-pink.... 1 piece M 9.-, 100 pieces M 800.-
Website/Catalog  (1911)  Page(s) 7.  
Paeonia Wittmanniana. Single-blooming peony. Early. The medium-sized blooms have a beautiful matte sulphur-yellow colour and dark yellow stamens....1 piece 3,50 Marks.
Book  (1907)  Page(s) 5.  
Peonia Wittmanniana, Stev. A Caucasian and north Persian species about two feet high, with coarsely divided dark green foliage, downy beneath and bearing showy, incurved, pale yellow flowers, one to a stem. Rare.
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