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'BENswise' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 107-151
most recent 26 DEC 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 DEC 17 by Alexday
Nothing so "blu" about this rose for me in my Southern CA climate. It always takes on a harsh streaky magenta tone and not what I expected at all when I bought it seeing "blu" was in the name. I also detect no fragrance and the packaging said it was very fragrant so I'm not happy about that. It's proven to be vigorous, and healthy but other than that it's a boring streaky looking magenta rose (which I have many) for me with fast blowing blooms.
Discussion id : 72-445
most recent 18 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUN 13 by Maryl
Beautiful form and color. The only problem is how fast the bloom opens. Still there are alot of blooms and they are so pretty when first opening that this is still a nice one to have.
Discussion id : 65-838
most recent 17 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 JUL 12 by monimoni
i have purchase Deja Blue this season from Two Sisters Nursery. Wonderful strong scent. I will post as to its zone 6 hardiness for the winter. I noticed that Jackson & Perkins is now selling the rose, wonder why and how they are labeling it as a hybrid tea and not a mini flora, if i had purchased this rose as a hybrid tea from them i would be floored once it bloomed.
Discussion id : 65-212
most recent 27 JUN 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 JUN 12 by Margaret Furness
Was that how the name was registered? I can't do accents with email, but there should be an acute on the e, and a grave on the a. No comment on "Blu".
Reply #1 of 3 posted 21 JUN 12 by HMF Admin
That's the spelling we show in our reference. We have to assume that's what they wanted, no ?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 21 JUN 12 by RoseBlush

I entered the registration to the HMF database and just double checked with the American Rose Society MR 12 database to confirm the spelling and punctuation. We do have the rose listed as it was registered.


Reply #3 of 3 posted 27 JUN 12 by Margaret Furness
Aaargh. I suppose people can butcher their own language, but they shouldn't do it to someone else's.

Thank you for checking.
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