'Rosa X warleyensis E. Willm.' rose Reviews & Comments
The comment about the parentage being R. rugosa x R. virginiana might need amending. Directly below the listing Rosa x warleyensis Baker gives the parentage as R. rugosa x R. blanda. When Baker wrote his botanical description he was observing either a plant at Kew or at Willmott's Warley garden. He merely quotes Koehne's classification as a possible synonym. I looked up the Koehne source and there is a rose listed as R. rugosa x R. virginiana in the text, but it has no botanical description and he states that "he had not seen it yet." The Ascheron source only quotes Koehne, again with no description and the the comment that Koehne had not seen it.
Also, there should be a space between the Koehne synonym and the Baker description in English. The way it's presented in the HMF reference makes it look like the Baker description is part of the Koehne reference.
In The Genus Rosa Miss Willmott listed the parentage of R. warleyensis as R. rugosa x blanda and says it was raised from seeds sent to her. This parentage is a reverse of that used by HelpMeFind (R. blanda x R. rugosa). Perhaps there might be some record of who sent what seeds to her.