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'Rosa woodsii subsp. manca' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 82-205
most recent 26 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 DEC 14 by CybeRose
American Rose Annual (1932)
American Wild Roses
Eileen Whitehead Erlanson

Chromosome No.
R. manca (Greene, 1899) — 42 — Southern Rocky Mountains
Discussion id : 82-195
most recent 25 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 DEC 14 by CybeRose
Pittonia 4(20): 11-12 (31 Jan. 1899)
New Western Species of Rosa
Edward L. Greene
R. MANCA. Dwarf subalpine shrub, sometimes a foot high or more, rather freely branching, the glabrous and smooth red stem and branches armed with few and stoutish compressed and very strongly recurved prickles: leaves small, the leaflets about 7, from somewhat obovate to elliptic, thin, sharply but not deeply serrate, the serratures callous-tipped and the larger with one secondary tooth, all smooth and glabrous on both faces; stipules extremely narrow, glandular, the long and narrow though prominent auricles more herbaceous: flowers solitary at the ends of short leafy branchlets: receptacle and back of sepals glabrous and glaucescent; sepals finely woolly-margined and with notable scattered sessile black glands among the wool, usually also appendaged on one side by a pair of long spreading linear lobes, the foliaceous tips narrowly oblong, entire, glabrous and glandless: corollas small: fruit not seen.

Collected by Messrs. Baker, Earle and Tracy, on dry hillsides at about 10,000 feet altitude in West Mancos Cañon, southern Colorado, July, 1898, and distributed for R. Arkansana. The name assigned this excellent new rose is taken from the geographical name Mancos, which is Spanish and also Latin for “the cripples.”
Discussion id : 82-194
most recent 25 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 DEC 14 by CybeRose
Colordo Agricultural Experiment Station (1905)
Pub. 100. The Flora of Colorado, P. A. Rydberg
p. 190
6. Rosa manca Greene. In the mountains of Colo.--Alt. 7500-9000 ft.--Mancos; southeast of Ouray.
Discussion id : 82-193
most recent 25 DEC 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 DEC 14 by CybeRose
HE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE. 84: 35-36 (July 14, 1928)
Major C. C. Hurst

Regular hexaploid species with six septets are comparatively rare;... R. manca of Greene, with a pair of A, B and D septets;
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