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'My Choice' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 76-467
most recent 1 MAR 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 FEB 14 by VictoriaRosa
I first fell in love with this rose at the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden -- the beautiful bi-color, fat HT form, and strong damask fragrance. I had to wait to get a cutting-grown plant from Vintage*, and had read that it does not do very well on its own roots. You do have to be very patient and nurturing to bring this along as an own-root rose. (I don't know of any sources for a grafted plant.) But mine has finally started getting some stature after a few years and the blooms are totally worth it on this little-known rose.

*It is now being offered by Heirloom.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 25 FEB 14 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
My own-root plant has also been slow to grow. I planted it in 2010 and haven't seen a bloom yet, but I'm hopeful this will be the year!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 FEB 14 by VictoriaRosa
Hmmm, that's interesting. Because mine wanted to bloom even when it was tiny. When I could catch the buds in time, I'd pinch them off so it could put more energy into growth. Maybe the difference in climates? This is a rose bred in England, so the Idaho climate may be a bit much for it.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 1 MAR 14 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Yes, it could be partially the climate. Weather the last few years has been unfavorable in just about every way (either too cold, or too hot). We're due for a more "normal" year, whatever that is these days.

For a small fee I know Steve Singer of Wisconsin roses will custom bud a plant, so perhaps I'll look into that for this rose. I appreciate the information.
Discussion id : 34-760
most recent 13 MAR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAR 09 by Matthew 0rwat
Hello and thanks again for your wonderful website. It is truely a great resource.

I applaud your new addition of the "cutting exchange". While it has great potential for giving many the opportunity of growing rare rose varieties in their garden, there is one item that
has been overlooked and may hinder the exchange of certain rare varieties.

Of course, I do not support the exchange of rose varieties currently under patent protection. It seems, however, that HMF has excluded the exchange of cuttings of any rose with a patent number. This should not be done, because roses and other asexually propagated plants are only protected under patent law for 20 years after the plants introduction. The Plant Patent act of 1930 (USA) allows protection for 20 (recently extended from 17) years after the patent is approved, and after that 20 year period, the plant is in the public domain and anyone is free to propagate it.

This information about the PPA comes from my plant breeding class at TAMU, it is also mentioned in many rose books, including some ARS publications. If you have any questions or would like furthur proof, please let me know and I will try to supply it.

There are several articles on the web which deal with this subject.

an excerpt from one folllows:
" rose variety may be patented just like any other plant. A patent grants to
the holder exclusive rights to distribute and propagate that variety of
rose. Of course the patent holder can license others to distribute and
propagate that rose. A patent lasts for 17 years, so most older roses aren't
currently under patent. After the patent has expired, anyone can distribute
and propagate that particular variety.

Some nurseries divide their roses into patented roses and non-patented
roses, with the patented roses costing more. This is because they may freely
propagate the non-patented varieties, but their is usually a fee for
propagating patented varieties.

It is illegal to assexually reproduce a patented plant, even for personal
use. It is, however, legal to use a patented rose in hybridizing."

For example, the rose 'My Choice' was introduced in 1958 and fell out of patent protection in 1978. I would like to offer cuttings for trade, but the cutting tab is not available. It is clearly not illegal to offer cuttings of this rose but this website still excludes it. Other common older roses, such as New Dawn and Crimson Glory, are excluded as well...although they have been out of patent protection for many years.

Please consider my request to remove cutting exchange restrictions for roses with patents older then 20 years. This will improve the cutting exchange dramatically.

Many Thanks,

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