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'King of Siam' rose References
Website/Catalog  (28 Apr 2020)  
King of Siam. A medium development climber with very double and tight, cherry red, very fragrant flowers. The flowers, like those of some teas, are not erect and the inclined stem causes them to look down, making the center of the roses clearly visible to those who admire them. After the first abundant spring flowering, the following ones are discontinuous. This variety was selected by His Majesty the king of Siam himself, among the many seedlings of the breeder who had settled in Sanremo.  Dimensions 250 x 200.  color: magenta. flower shape: double. perfume: intense perfume. re-flowering: repeated. habit: climbing. size: small.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 113.  
The German grower Paul Brauer, who settled down in San Remo, left us three HT roses, 'King of Siam', 'Contessa Cecilia Lurani' and 'Dr Warner'; and three Teas, 'Earl of Mexborough', 'Fürstin Infantin von Hohenzollern' and 'Wilhelm Hartmann'.
Magazine  (Apr 1938)  Page(s) 5.  
[From an article "Les roses sur la Cote d'Azur" by Jean Gaujard]
Il faut citer aussi Noëlla Nabonnand, Roi de Siam (extrêmement parfumé), Marie Lavalley, Souvenir de Léonie Viennot. Climbing Herriot et Climbing Hadley, et enfin une variété peu connue sur la Côte d'Azur, mais qui prendra vite une place importante, Mermaid ; cette variété donne dans cette région des résultats surprenants.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 663.  
Siam, King of (HT) Bräuer 1912; Mme. V. Verdier X Safrano; deep red, large, double, flat, fine form, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats, free-blooming, long buds, long strong stems, growth 7/10, upright, Sangerhausen
Book  (1934)  Page(s) 300.  
King of Siam (H.T.), 1913.- Bright red; vigorous; dwarf, standard; prune moderately; very fragrant.
Book  (1933)  Page(s) 189.  
KING OF SIAM. P. Brauer, 1912. Showy Hybrid Tea with large, fragrant, bright red flowers, said to bloom continuously.
Book  (1918)  Page(s) 116.  
[George C. Thomas writes about roses he retained and discarded when he moved his garden] Discarded. King of Siam. Tall growth, not bushy; very shy bloomer.
Book  (1915)  Page(s) 167.  
Hybrid Teas:
King of Siam, 1913, bright red, Vigorous, Dwarf, bed, Moderate (pruning), Very fragrant
Book  (1915)  
King of Siam (HT), Brauer, 1913.- Crimson. Garden.
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 8.  
New Roses of other Raisers, 1913. The descriptions are those of the Raisers.
Hybrid Tea.
King of Siam (P. Brauer, introduced by Phillip Geduldig). -- Bright red, of fine form and of exquisite fragrance, carried on long and stiff stems. Growth very vigorous, hardy, very free and perpetual flowering. Fine for forcing and cutting. 2/6 each.
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