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'Mrs. Aaron Ward' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2009)  Page(s) 30.  
'Mrs. Aaron Ward'   Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 28
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 559.  
Mrs. Aaron Ward Hybrid Tea. Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1907
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 392.  
Mrs. Aaron Ward Hybrid Tea, yellow blend, 1907, Pernet-Ducher. Description.
Book  (1959)  Page(s) 53.  
At the top of his [Admiral Ward] list was the name of the greatest rosarian in the world, M. Pernet-Ducher of Lyons. From this unusual friendship came the introduction of such roses as Willowmere, named for Admiral Ward's beautiful home-place at Roslyn, Long Island....Then came Mrs. Aaron Ward, known to every florist...
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 78.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas.  Yellow Roses.
Two old roses that actually preceded Margaret Dickson Hamill are on the fringe of this group — Lady Hillingdon and Mrs. Aaron Ward.  They are still to be seen in many gardens though seldom in the newer plantings...The latter varies greatly in colour from deep apricot with red markings to a uniform buff colour. If either had five to ten more petals it would be a great favourite still. Each has produced a very useful and beautiful climbing sport.
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 198.  
Mrs. Aaron Ward (H.T.) is a rose of variable colour, its double Indian-yellow pointed flowers often being flushed salmon and edged with white. Growth is vigorous, but dwarf and compact. Pernet-Ducher 1907. ...Slightly fragrant...June-September. Hardy.
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 40.  
Alister Clark. Some Roses in My Garden.
Another good parent is Mrs. Aaron Ward besides being good in itself. 
Magazine  (Dec 1939)  Page(s) 8.  
Presque chaque année, un autre Américain bien connu venait, lui, plusieurs fois par an : l'Admirai Ward. C'était un grand ami de la France; il avait d'ailleurs fait ses études à Paris où, depuis, il revenait fréquemment, chargé de missions par son Gouvernement. Nanti d'une belle fortune. l'Admiral Ward avait des jardins magnifiques et, par suite, élail devenu un des amateurs de roses le plus en vue. La première visile que l'Admirai fit à Pernet-Ducher fui le prélude de très nombreuses rencontres et leurs relations ensemble devinrent tout à fait amicales. C'est au cours de sa première visite que fui déd'iée la rose Mrs. Aaron Ward (1907), qui renconlra un succès .sensationnel puisque cette variété se cultive encore en serres, en Amérique, comme rose à corsage.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 748.  
Ward, Mrs. Aaron (HT) Pernet-Ducher 1907; indian yellow, occasionally shaded salmon-pink, very large, double, rosette-form, high-centered, lasting, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, repeats well, upright form stems, many prickles, glossy green foliage, growth 6/10, short, lanky, dense. Sangerhausen.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 25.  
Everblooming Roses
The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals.
Mrs. Aaron Ward. Hybrid Tea. (Pernet-Ducher, 1907.) Delightful little buds of golden buff, opening to fully double, attractively shaped flowers of tawny gold and pink, with an agreeable fragrance. The plant is dwarf, spreading, with very healthy, holly-like foliage, and always in bloom.
A standard sort for garden and cutting and buttonhole. Flowers are small in heat and the color fades to light pink, otherwise it is almost perfect. Under high cultivation the blooms are much larger and more intensely colored. In all lists of favorite Roses, Mrs. Aaron Ward occupies a high place, and will doubtless continue as a favorite for many years to come. Everybody likes it.
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