'Red Cross' rose References
Book (2014) Page(s) 62. Includes photo(s). 2014 New Releases Ross Roses. 'Red Cross'. The Australian Red Cross Organisation celebrates their Centenary this year. Founded in 1914 immediately following the outbreak of World War 1. For over one hundred years millions of people have been helped through their willing volunteers who readily give caring support when there is a need. Australia thanks them for their dedication when fire, flood, or disaster hits. To commemorate a century of their humanitarian service a special release of the 'Australian Red Cross' rose is offered by Ross Roses. This glowing rich red rose has an outstanding fragrance, and is instantly appealing. A Hybrid tea rose borne on long stems for picking yet freely produced on a neat bush growth 1.2 metres tall. Red Cross branch members around Australia, together with Councils, will celebrate by planting this rose in their communities and public parks. Available from Ross Roses.... and leading Garden centres.
Website/Catalog (2010) Page(s) 21. Includes photo(s). Modern Bush Roses. 'Red Cross' ™. Free flowering availability in all seasons. Lovely picking blooms which keep well when cut. Fragrance is excellent.
Book (2008) Page(s) 134. Maureen Ross. Roses in Australia in the 1970s, 1980s & 1990s. The 1980s. A unique marketing plan was introduced in Australia by Deane Ross during the mid 1980s. He initiated the idea to name a new rose for charities, schools and community groups to assist in their fundraising. The first rose was 'Jubilee 150' in 1986 for Rotary Clubs Community Service. Since then communities and groups have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through these Charity Roses (sometimes known as Cause Roses). Successful projects were 'Zonta Rose' (Zonta International); 'Red Cross' (Australian Rose Cross); '65 Roses' (Cystic Fibrosis); 'Courage' (Canteen); 'Spirit of Peace' (R.S.L.); 'Wildfire' (Emergency Fire Services); 'Howard Florey' (Medical Research) and 'The Children's Rose' (Children's Hospital).
Book (2003) Page(s) 87. Lloyd Tarrant, Hamersley, WA. My Favourite HT Roses Released in Australia since 1990. 'Red Cross' 1998. Very prolific garden rose. Petals have a rich velvety red texture, with a nice fragrance. Excellent picking rose.
Magazine (Nov 2001) Page(s) 57. Helen Mckerral. 'Red Cross' ([Charity:] The Australian Red Cross). Velvet-red with scalloped petals when fully open. Very fragrant. Available from plant retailers.
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 494. Red Cross, HT, dr, 1998; Meilland
Book (1998) Page(s) 30. 'Red Cross' (MEIsoyris) Classic velvet red double blooms with fine fragrance, displayed on a healthy medium sized bush. Plenty of blooms for garden show or picking. Part proceeds will benefit Red Cross. Courtesy of Ross Roses.
Book (1998) Page(s) 62. MEIsoyris Grandiflora, dark red, 1994, (Matilda™; 'Marcel Pagnol'; 'Velveteen'); 'Fragrant Cloud' x ('Oklahoma' x 'Royal William'); MEilland, Alain. Description.
Website/Catalog (1998) Includes photo(s). Cover photo 'Red Cross' (Meisoyris). New bush rose for 1998.
p4. One of the loveliest aspects of the rose is its fragrance, whether it is rose, or sweet and fruity, or spicy and rich. So our new roses for '98 will delight you all. From Meilland - 'Red Cross' a romantic velvety red, with a true rose fragrance, which when fully open the petals often develop an interesting scolloped edge, giving a most characteristic style to the flower. A percentage from each sale will be donated to the Australian Red Cross towards their caring work in our communities.
p14. 'Red Cross Rose'. [Both stem and bush available]. Medium height. Double. Bedding Cutting blooms. Very fragrant. Named for the Australian Red Cross. A rich velvet-red classic rose which presents attractive scalloped petals when fully open. Free flowering ability in all seasons. Lovely picking blooms which keep well when cut. Fragrance is excellent. A donation from all sales will benefit the Australian Red Cross.
Website/Catalog (Nov 1997) Page(s) 7. Graf Lennart Hybrid Tea. Meilland (no date given)... medium red; opens to good old rose form...