'Laura Bush ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Laura Bush was purchased bareroot from Jackson & Perkins this year along with other floribunda roses. Although LB hasn't shown the same initial vigor as Black Cherry planted next to her, I have been taken with the very vibrant, dusky orange. It's a very beautiful color that doesn't fade into a terrible, washed out color that you would expect. However, some fading does occur. I think LB has a better coloring than Pumpkin Patch which seems to be a more dulled shade of darker orange. LB also is unbothered by the rain with no spotting, browning, or balling. There is an interesting hint of yellow at the base of the petals that looks very nice. LB has had no issue with blackspot or mildew despite the ridiculously wet weather in Houston so far this year. The fragrance is mild. One thing I will say about LB is that she is very, very prickly. She is one of the prickliest roses I've encountered. They aren't necessarily large, there's just a LOT of them. So far I'm pleased with LB and hope her vigor improves with establishment.
August 2016 Update: LB has continued to be a great rose, I just wish it had more vigor. It's a compact little plant that's only managed to make it about 2.5' tall. Keeping that in mind, it should be planted in the front of a bed as it's so short. That said, it's been a great little rose and I still love the color. It's had no issues with disease.
Initial post
30 JUN 08
* This post deleted by user *
#1 of 6 posted
30 JUN 08 by
What are your favorite orange floribundas? I would like to start an orange rose garden and am at a loss as to where to begin. Thanks for any suggestions.
My favorite orange and orange blend floribundas are: Tuscan Sun Chihuly Marmalade Skies Disneyland Vavoom Hot Cocoa Brass Band Gingersnap These are all good starts to a nice orange floribunda bed....
#7 of 6 posted
28 DEC 12 by
I haven't grown many orange roses, but there are a few I can recommend for you:
Marmalade Skies is a great rose -- profuse-blooming, with plenty of deep green healthy foliage, and a solid medium coral-orange color that doesn't fade, although it's a little lighter in hotter weather (but still pretty either way).
If you're open to a rose that's only orange part of the time and then changes color, you might consider Bengal Tiger. It opens with a sherbet-orange color, which changes to pure yellow the next day, then slowly acquires a coral blush to the edges of the petals, which spreads and sometimes finishes brick red. I was fascinated by the color changes when I had it, and I hope to get another one in the near future. (The only place I'm aware of that sells it is Chamblee Roses.)
I also love Day Breaker, although it's not pure orange, nor always orange. It's a chameleon -- sometimes yellow blushed with pink, sometimes apricot, sometimes orange with touches of yellow and pink. The fragrance is also variable, but very nice when it's there, varying from fruity to tea rose. It's a good bloomer with nice foliage.
I hope this helps. I see it's been a few years since you posted your question, but I just found it.
Thanks for sharing your experience John. It would be even more helpful if you would update you membership information to tell us a little bit about yourself. Knowing what zone you are in would be a great start. Thanks again !
I live in northwest Missouri about 50 miles north of Kansas City. I am in zone 6a and we experience all four seasons to the fullest. I have about 250 roses in about 7 different beds in my front and back yards. I grow HT's, GR's, FL's, and Mini/Mini-flora's as well. My favorites are the HT's but my favorite single rose has to be the Floribunda DayBreaker. I love the apricot/peach/orange/yellow/pink coloration of the apricot blend roses like DayBreaker. I am disabled so I use my roses as a sort of therapy for myself. I enjoy getting out in the yard working in the soil and appreciate the beauty that results from the work I put into them to get them that way. I get lots of people that will just drive up in my driveway and want to see the roses and I always enjoy taking them on a tour of all my roses and cutting some for them to take home with them to enjoy. The town newspaper did a front page whole page story in the "Living" section that had several pictures as well. I am known as the "South End Roseman" around town and many people tell me that they intentionally drive by and even go out of their way to pass my yard as they go about their daily driving around our part of town. I love my roses and enjoy them every day in every way. I even enjoy the part of the hobby that most people don't like fertilizing, pruning, deadheading, etc.. As long as it gets me outside and active in the yard I am having fun.
HA ! No John, not here in a comment - in your HMF member profile. That way when someone is reading one of your posts, now or in the future, and they wonder how much experience you have or what zone you are in, they just click your HMF member name and presto, there it is on your member page.
Thanks John, I'm glad you put your comment here, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it. Folks like you who grow roses do a great public service. Without roses in the neighborhood to see and to smell, a daily walk would be utterly boring. What is life without sunshine, roses, and green grass? Thank you, John, for blessing the earth with your garden and delightful roses.
Holy cow!!! While at our neighborhood nursery I was walking by all their potted roses while shopping for my annual flowers when a whole row of these roses in bloom stopped me dead in my tracks. What an incredible color, there's no way to describe it. It's beautiful at every stage, extremely complex coloring. This rose would really appeal to artists and painters the way it blends smoky orange, russet, and lemon yellow. As the blooms age they even take on a slight mauve cast. I'm sure a rose with this complicated coloring will be affected by weather, making it even more interesting. (I live in Michigan.) I have one now growing in a pot, it's doing great and I can't wait for it to bloom. This rose would be superb in a mass planting, or if you live in a warm climate get the tree rose form from Jackson and Perkins and surround it by the bush form. I may have to give up my dahlia bed next year in favor of this rose.
I'm going to be honest. I wouldn't have ordered Laura Bush if it hadn't been necessary to get a replacement for my much beloved Barbara Bush. In the rush of Spring planting I overlooked that Laura Bush didn't have a drip button. She was in quite a state when I noticed, and I thought I'd lost her for sure. New planted roses don't forgive dehydration very easily. Much to my surprise Laura Bush did just that, though she is still small because of my error. She's blooming in the heat, and her color doesn't fade into something horrid as I'd feared. So far I'm very pleased with this First Lady.