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'Evergreen Gene ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 31-446
most recent 30 MAR 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 NOV 08 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
To my knowledge this rose is essentially once blooming. I don't know if it might offer some repeat when it becomes mature or for those in certain favored climates.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 7 NOV 08
* This post deleted by user *
Reply #2 of 3 posted 29 JUN 10 by Carlene
Now that you've had this rose for approx. 2 more years, have you noticed in your own garden if those rose repeats after the once-blooming period is over? Also - for how many weeks did it bloom and did you have to dead-head or did the petals fall off on their own? Thanks!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 29 JUN 10 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
HI Carlene, I no longer grow 'Evergreen Gene', so I can't give you much further information.

My space here is limited. I gave propagation materials to both Roses Unlimited and Cool roses then let my specimen go.

As I remember the blossoms shed of their on accord. This cultivar gets large and needs to be given support and space to show it's self.
Reply #4 of 3 posted 30 MAR 21 by Kathy Strong
I still grow it. It's easily 25 feet. And it is a once bloomer in San Diego. It grows up through the top of my 20 foot Mermaid and keeps on trucking.
Discussion id : 33-271
most recent 22 DEC 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JAN 09 by John Hook
Available in Europe from La Roseraie du Desert
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 JAN 09 by HMF Admin
Thank you John.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 22 DEC 09 by Maurizio Usai
Available also from "Le Rose di Piedimonte" - Italy
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