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'Madame Scipion Cochet' rose Member Journal Entires
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28 OCT 11
Purchased from Rose Petals Nursery June 2011.

Note: The flower doesn't seem to match any descriptions, so I don't know what it really is, but this is the rose typically sold in the U.S. as "Madame Scipion Cochet." The color is a cool medium pink, similar to Memorial Day.

August 2013- Trained this one as a climber and it seemed pretty happy with that. Blooms frequently with nice fruity scented flowers. Cut back and potted for upcoming move to the new house.

5/24/2014 - Planted in new garden (there are two).

2/6/2016- this rose was fantastic in my former garden, but I'm sad to say that it is not doing well now. Hopefully this year that will turn around.

5/2016- I decided to cut this one way back, almost like a hybrid tea, and it seems to be responding well to that. Really nice spring bloom and shape.

4/1/2019- Grows wild with octopus arms if not pruned hard in Spring. I really enjoy this rose in my garden. Nice, fruity scent, blooms in flushes. When conditions are right, nearly everything can blackspot here with the sea fog and whatnot, but I don't recall this one giving me more trouble than anything else in that department. Never has trouble opening unlike Niles Cochet who lives in the same bed.

5.17.2021- Died almost to the ground after winter and is struggling to come back.

7/17/2021- Officially expired. It was just not able to recover after the sudden 5 day hard freeze we had in February. This is the 26th rose that I've lost from that event. February 14th is usually our pruning day and unofficial start of spring in the Houston area, so everything was preparing to bloom when the cold snap hit.
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