'Madame Boll' rose References
Newsletter (Feb 2013) Page(s) 6. According to Gardener’s Monthly of 1880, several of Boll’s roses were sold by various unscrupulous persons in France “who sent them out as their own.” The lovely old Portland rose ‘Comte de Chambord’, bred originally as ‘Mme Boll’, is apparently one of these roses.
Book (2011) Page(s) 86. Stephen Scanniello. Mystery Roses Take Root in New York City. Trinity Church Cemetery was build in 1842..... One professional rosarian, Daniel Boll, is buried in the cemetery. In what is now Times Square, Boll had a nursery featuring the latest in French roses. He died in 1862 and since then has been largely forgotten, even though Charles Hovey praised him as one of the best cultivators and hybridizers of roses in the country. Who was Daniel Boll? The only rose connected to him currently in commerce is 'Mme. Boll', a Hybrid Perpetual that was named for his second wife. Some claim that the rose sold today as 'Comte de Chambord' is really 'Mme. Boll'. French rosarian Joseph Boyeau of Angers first introduced 'Mme. Boll' in 1859....In memory of Monsieur Boll, we have planted 'Mme. Boll' (bought as 'Comte de Chambord') in the Heritage Rose District....
Article (magazine) (2007) Page(s) 53. Unfortunately, Pergolèse (Moreau et Robert, 1860), Comte de Chambord (Moreau et Robert 1860), Marie Robert (Moreau et Robert, circa 1860?), Jacques Cartier (Moreau-Robert, 1868), and Rembrandt (Moreau-Robert, 1883) all seem to be wrongly named.....Mme. Boll (D. Boll/Boyau, 1859) is the correct name for Comte de Chambord.
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 57. Mme [sic] Boll Not rated
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 38. Mme. Boll Hybrid Perpetual Daniel Boll [with Boyau] 1859
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 333. Mme. Boll Hybrid Perpetual, carmine-rose, 1859, Boll, Daniel. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 142. Mme. Boll Hybrid Perpetual D. Boll/Boyau 1859 Two parentages have been given: (1) An unspecified Hybrid Perpetual x 'Belle Fabert'; or, (2) 'Baronne Prévost' x 'Portlandica' ... Beautiful intense pink... bright pink... carmine-pink... Carmine-rose... Mme. Boll is a lady rosarian of New York, originally from Switzerland... very fragrant... 'Mme Boll' was raised by Mons J. Boyau père, horticulturalist of Angers (successor of Mons Guérin), who secured the seedlings in 1856 from a cross between a Hybrid Perpetual and a Portland ('Belle Favert' [sic]), which latter the flowers resemble... released to commerce in 1859, was dedicated to the wife of a Swiss horticulturalist, Mons Boll, who resided for a long time in America... [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog (1976) Page(s) 22. Portland ....MADAME BOLL (Boll 1858). Rose vif.
Book (1936) Page(s) 90. Boll, Mme. (Portland) Boll 1859; Baronne Prévost X Portlandica; vivid pink, very large, double, cup form, fine form, solitary, fragrance 8/10, long stems, growth 8/10, hardy. = Boïeldieu
Book (1912) Page(s) 102. Portland....Madame Boll Boll 1859, Beau rose vif, fleur très grande, très vigoureuse