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'CLEmulti' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 136-201
most recent 18 JAN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 JAN 23 by HeathRose
Just wondering what the comment "Compare also the shite Tranquillity (shrub, Austin, 2012)." is supposed to mean at bottom of the page?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 18 JAN 23 by Patricia Routley
A typo. Corrected. Thanks HeathRose.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 18 JAN 23 by HeathRose
oh that makes a lot more sense! I thought an Irish person just really hated the DA rose for some reason!
Discussion id : 124-879
most recent 6 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JAN 21 by Sheila G
Hi - The single entry for “Tranquility” describes the Clements pale pink rose introduced in 2004. The attached photos, however, show both the pink Clements rose and the white David Austin rose named Tranquility, which was introduced in 2012. There is no entry for the David Austin rose. I hope this can be corrected. Thank you for all you do! Sheila Berry
Reply #1 of 1 posted 6 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
Yes, it is there Sheila. It is a tricky one with three roses with almost the same name.
Tranquillity (hybrid tea, Barrett before 1979). Apricot
Tranquility ™ (shrub, Clements 2004) Light pink
Tranquillity (shrub, Austin, 2012) light yellow, ages to white

I have reassigned the light yellow photos to the Austin 2012 rose page.
Discussion id : 115-257
most recent 9 FEB 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 FEB 19 by mamabotanica
David Austin roses lists this as 4 x 4 and HMF says it's more like 3 x 2. Would love to hear from you growers how big it got as I'm about to plant it in a spot where smaller would be better : /
I'm in zone 10 where roses often end up big.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 FEB 19 by Marlorena
You're looking at the wrong rose. There are 2 Tranquilities out there... the Austin rose is spelt with 2 l's, as in TRANQUILLITY... this rose is the Clements version spelt with one L...

One is British English the other American...
Reply #2 of 2 posted 9 FEB 19 by mamabotanica
Aha! That explains a lot. I hate it when names are so similar! Thanks for the clarification.
Discussion id : 87-589
most recent 30 AUG 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 AUG 15 by Rosecandy
This rose is wonderful! I planted this rose as a band for my mother back in April. Since then it's grown quite a bit, disease free. It has had NO blackspot, mildew, rust, or any other illness in my hot and humid Virginia summer. I planted it on the west side of the house, so it receives full sun all afternoon, and I haven't had to water it at all! Granted, I did mulch it a few weeks after planting, so that probably helps. If you want a rose that will never prick you, then this isn't it, as the bush has a decent amount of thorns. In my opinion, however, it is worth the thorns for this lovely rose. The dark green foliage makes a perfect backdrop to the delicate pink blooms, who themselves boast a bold, fresh scent. The blooms start out the lovely pink color and sometimes turn white just as they fall apart. One person who posted photos mentioned that their blooms are white. I have not experienced that except when the blooms are old and ready to be clipped off. I'm definitely going to buy one of these (or several!) for my house!
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