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'Star of the Republic' rose Description
'Star of the Republic' rose photo
Photo courtesy of
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
38 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Apricot or apricot blend Shrub.
Registration name: Star of the Republic
Exhibition name: Star of the Republic
Bred by Mike Shoup (United States, before 1998).
Introduced in United States by Antique Rose Emporium (Brenham, Texas) in 1998 as 'Star of the Republic'.
Shrub.   (Series: Pioneer)  
Peach - apricot, lighter outer petals.  Moderate, damask, myrrh fragrance.  Average diameter 3.5".  Medium-large, very full (41+ petals), borne mostly solitary, cupped, old-fashioned, quartered bloom form.  Prolific, spring or summer flush with scattered later bloom.  
Tall, few or no prickles/thorns, spreading.  Large, semi-glossy, dark green foliage.  

Height: 5' to 8' (150 to 245cm).  
USDA zone 5b and warmer.  Can be used for cut flower, garden, hedge, landscape, pillar or specimen.  Hardy.  heat tolerant.  Remove spent blooms to encourage re-bloom.  Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
In a COMMENTS post on 12 NOV 21 by AndrewBarocco wrote that he had Mike Shoup's "original notes and the correct parentage for Star of the Republic is: Graham Thomas x Seedling of R. wichuriana thornless".
Accordingly, the parentage has been corrected from what is reported in Modern Roses as 'Graham Thomas' X R. abyssinica.
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