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16 SEP 16
Well, I had a 100% success rate with those cuttings: they all snuffed it.
23 JUN 16
Ok, so since nobody expressed an opinion on how this rose went on its own roots, and since other Delbards seem to do ok for some people, I decided to give it a go and see what happens. Have consequently whacked off the stray cane that needed to be whacked off, and turned it into several cuttings. They're a bit thin on it, but they're free, and I might learn something.

I threw them into a mixture of vermiculite and cracker dust, just because it's what I had lying around and it seemed like it should work. Ends of the cuttings were dipped in honey. I used a Forsyth pot arrangement, since I've found them to work well for other cuttings. It's easy to keep an eye on, and the mix never dries right out as long as the reservoir is kept topped up.
29 JUN 15

Recieved 24/01/2015: 534k, ship 20k
Ngâm B1, trồng và tưới nước B1 đã ngâm, hình như hơi quá liều, thân đen thâm thâm
Lên chồi rất nhanh, chưa đến 1 tuần
14/2: có 4 nụ, nở rất đẹp
08/03: chuyển ra bồn hoa trước cổng, đứt rễ nhiều
03/04: Có khoảng 6-7 nụ, nhưng cắt hết do sắp đi chơi, ko ai canh, sợ bị vặt
02/05: ko bị lây trĩ nhưng đứng hình
02/06: Mọc nhiều chồi
30/6: Rất thích, pt nhanh, hơn chục nụ, cắt cắm rất đẹp
6 MAR 14
Planted July 2006 in the RED ROSE SECTION No 85
© 2025