'MEItandar' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - RUSROZA, Nursery of Roses http://www.rusroza.ru
The rose looks coral pink, from all over the world. The description says carmine.
I am in the habit lately of scribbling down (on the back of the shopping list), any codes of roses that I see in my local Western Australian nursery that I think may be of interest. Yesterday I scribbled 'Marmelade Skies Cl.' MEItandar. Unfortunately I did not note the colour of any bloom, whether it was pink or orange. I've added this synonym but really do feel there has been a mix-up somewhere with the code names.
#2 of 7 posted
27 MAY 21 by
One would think there has been a mix up in roses. I would describe the colour as orange rather than the carmine pink described. Is the variation in colour showing in the photographs due to soil and/or climate? Screen shot from the Corporate Roses website where the colour is described as orange is attached. I was originally told that this was a sport of Marmalade Skies. Certainly when roses of both are put side by side they look identical. There is a great example of Climbing Marmalade Skies in a private garden, Birdwood, SA, where it completely fills the frame.
#4 of 7 posted
27 MAY 21 by
Carmine-pink is incorrect. The description on the Meilland site is salmon-pink with coral-pink highlights. It is also stated that MEItandar is a sister rose (sibling) of 'Marmalade Skies', i,e, it is not a sport.
#5 of 7 posted
27 MAY 21 by
Yes, I had picked it up by Corporate Roses' sister description that it may not be a sport. Can we assume it came out of the same cross?
#8 of 7 posted
28 MAY 21 by
That's the way I understand the term "sister". Maybe Mathias Meilland will confirm?
I would be upset if it wasnt a sport, even if thats not what sister actually means. Specifically, I would be mad for abusing the name "Climbing such and such", when it truly isn't "such and such".
Im so dense. I only read 'Dee Dee Bridgewater'. If its a climbing mutation of Marmalade Skies, then its a matted-toned coral orange rose. MS lacks any luster or shine to the petals, and so comes off as a flat tone between coral pink and orange. I used to grow Marmalade Skies, and it's almost the same color as 'Artistry', except 'Artistry' darkens a but with sun and age.
Initial post
24 APR 06 by
I afraid the picture loaded is not a Dee Dee Bridgewater. The registered rose is pink in color.