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'Janet' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 110-525
most recent 4 MAY 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 MAY 18 by Nola Z5a WI
David Austin's website lists Janet as zone 5-9.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 MAY 18 by Patricia Routley
Discussion id : 51-436
most recent 7 JAN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JAN 11 by fleurdavril59
Yes, no scent on mine, too. but so beautifull finely-shaded colour: fresh butter and mash strawberry. It's a really good climber, I planted it 4 years ago, it' s nearly 3 m high, lot of flowers all trough the season, beautiful from buds until wide open, but in my area, with humid climate, sometimes the flowers doesn't open and spoil when there is no sun enough. I'm sure it does great in warm and sunny climate. just a very little blackspot in end of october, but not too much. (I don't spray any of my roses, just select and keep the healthy one).
flowers lean down, very beautifull for a climber, but not for a shrub, and not the best for cut because flower stem are too thin.
However, i keep it in my garden, it's too beautifull when good conditions.
Discussion id : 33-157
most recent 13 MAY 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JAN 09 by Terry
I planted three Janet roses last spring. I bought them because Jackson & Perkins described them as having a "potent tea rose" fragrance. However, mine have virtually no scent, which has been a big disappointment to me, as I planted them along a little path where I thought it would be pleasant to have fragrance as one walked by. The flowers are very pretty, and the plant itself has grown into a sprawling monster, with long arching canes. I live in Los Angeles, about five miles from the ocean.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 MAY 09 by anonymous-272483
No scent on my Janet either. It is a very pale, translucent pink- blooms on the ends of long canes. Definately a climber. Im disappointed but Im going to keep her- I will move her somewhere where I can tie her up. I will say this- clean foliage! No disease problems for me with Janet.
Discussion id : 30-433
most recent 20 SEP 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 SEP 08 by Cherrykist of NC Zone 7
This is the first season for Janet in my garden. While it lists here Janet at 4 ft. Mine is already that height and still going. I just read in one of David Austins books about English roses and it says Janet could be an 8ft climber.
My Janet has no scent at all...maybe as she gets older I am hoping but even if it doesn't develope a scent she is still a beauty. Janet is clean and vigorous in my southeast zone 7 garden.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 SEP 08 by HMF Admin
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