'Hama-nasu' rose Reviews & Comments
Among your pictures of R. Rugosa are several which are botanical prints. Of these, one, posted by Cass, shows a rose with spiny hips, others - and all the photographs - show smooth hips that look like tomatoes. Can it be that the artist of this illustration made a mistake? [Note: although the rose is named R. rugosa Thun., the picture is not taken from Thunberg's Flora Japonica but from Siebold's Flora Japonica of 1870]. It might also be noted that the Hortus Kewensis (Vol. 3) of 1811 description of R, rugosa reads "Fructibus ovatis", egg-shaped fruit, but the fruit is, if anything, a slightly depressed sphere. What's the explanation for this?
#1 of 2 posted
7 OCT 18 by
Siebold & Zuccarini (1835) described the hips as "... inermis vel aculeis setaceis obsitus, carnosus, ruber." Which is to say that the hips are unarmed on some plants, prickly on others.
The picture Cass posted is also present (and in color) in the 1835 edition. Karl
Thanks Karl (not for the first time).
This rose, in most every place, performs admirably. The blooms are nice, and so are the hips, but in clay soil, like mine, it's not as vigorous as some sources state it to be in looser soils, which is very understandable since R. rugosa naturally lives in sandy soil.
Thank you, agree to that. Rugosa is known as "beach rose."
A general history of the dichlamydeous plants, vol. 2, pp. 564-565 (1832) George Don Rosa SECT. II. FEROCES (from ferox, fierce, in reference to the branches being thickly beset with prickles). Lindl. mon. p. 3. Branches clothed with permanent tomentum. Fruit naked. The plants contained in this section are a strictly natural group. They are low shrubs, losing their leaves early in autumn, and are then remarkable for their hoary branches, bristles and numerous prickles. Their fruit is perfectly smooth, which character separates them from the next section, in which the fruit is downy. Sepals usually toothed.
2 R. FEROX (Lawr. ros. t. 42.) prickles of the same shape, and much crowded. ♄. H. Native of Caucasus. Lindl. in hot. reg. t. 440. R. Kamtschatica, Red. ros. 1. p. 47. t. 12. R. Kamschatica β, ferox, Ser. in D. C. prod. 2. p. 607. R. echinata, Dupont. Flowers large, red. Fruit globose, scarlet.
Var. β, nitens (Lindl. bot. reg. 824.) leaves shining, pale green, glabrous on both surfaces; flowers pale crimson. R. Kamtschatica γ, nitens, Ser. in D. C. prod. 2. p. 607. Fierce Rose. Fl. July, Aug. Clt. 1796. Shrub 3 to 4 ft.
3 R. RUGOSA (Thunb. fl. jap. 213.) arms crowded, nearly equal; peduncles beset with curved prickles. ♄. H. Native of Japan. Ramanas of the Japanese. Lindl. ros. p. 5. t. 19. Wrinkled Rose. Shrub 3 to 4 feet.
4 R. KAMTSCHATICA (Vent. cels. t. 67.) prickles infra-stipular, falcate, large ; leaves opaque. ♄. H. Native of Kamtschatka, in dry rocky places. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 419. Flowers solitary, deep red. Fruit spherical, scarlet, less than that of R. ferox. Kamtschatka Rose. Fl. June, Jul. Clt. 1791. Sh. 3 to 4 ft.
Flora japonica sistens plantas insularum japonicarum secundum systema sexuale emendatum redactas ad XX classes, ordines, genera et species (1784) pp. 213-214 Caroli Petri Thunberg Rosa rugosa - R. germinibus globosis glabris, pedunculis caule petiolisque aculeatis, foliis subtus tomentosis. Iaponice: Ramanas. Crescit in Miaco, florens mense Maio et Iunio. Rami teretes, subtomentosi, aculeati aculeis maioribus minoribusque, densissimis, patentibus, albis. Folia pinnata, cum impari, quadriiuga, rugosa; subtus tomentosa, venosa, rugosa, pollicaria. Petiolus tomentosus, aculeatus aculeis sparsis, patulis, albis. Flores solitarii. Pedunculus tomentosus, aculeatus aculeis tenuissimis, frequentibus, patulis, albis. Calyx intus tomentosus, extus hirsutus. Germen globosum, inerme, glabrum. Differt facile ab ominbus aliis Rosae speciebus: α) foliolis obtusis cum acumine, rugosis, tomentosis. β) ramis maxime aculeato-hispidis.