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'Pink Rover' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 631.  
Rover, Pink (bourbon or HT) W. Paul 1891; pale pink, darker centre, large, double, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, repeats well, long buds, growth 7/10, climbing, 1.25 cm. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 42.  
Pink Rover.- Rose clair extra.

[no longer listed in the 1928 catalogue]
Book  (1922)  Page(s) 422.  
[in the listing of roses in commerce] Pink Rover (T.) Wm. Paul & Son - Flower pale pink, deeper in the centre, buds long, handsome, very fragrant. Growth vigorous, semi-climbing.
Magazine  (7 Jan 1911)  Page(s) 11.  
Answers to Correspondents.
Roses for August and September flowering — The following varieties are all sweetly fragrant and suitable to plant in your country cottage garden, where they would yield a fine display of bloom during the months of August and September: Climbers — Zepherin Drouhin, Hugh Dickson, Pink Rover, Grüss an Teplitz, Reine Marie Henriette, Noella Nabonnand, Sarah Bernhardt, J. B. Clark, Gloire de Dijon, Mme. Alfred Carrière, M. Desir and Johanna Sebus. Dwarf — Mrs. John Laing, Dupuy Jamain, General Jacqueminot, Mme. Victor Verdier, Dr. Andry, Mme. Abel Chatenay, General Macarthur, Mme. Isaac Pereire, Augustine Guinoisseau, Gustav Grunerwald, Mme. Jules Grolez, Pharisaer, Ulrich Brunner, Fisher Holmes, Louis van Houtte, Ella Gordon, Captain Hayward, Mme. Ravary, Dr. O'Donel Browne, Beauté Inconstante, La France, Laurent Carle, Marquise Litta, Richmond and Viscountess Folkestone.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 135.  
8.765. Pink Rover, Hybride de Thé, W. Paul 1891 rose pâle
Website/Catalog  (1904)  Page(s) 21.  
New Hybrid Tea Roses.
Pink Rover (Wm. Paul & Son). Of semi-climbing habit. The color is pale pink, deeper in the center of the flower. The open flowers have the delicate tints of Alba or Maiden's Blush Roses. The flowers are large, full and expanded, exceedingly sweet. Is hardy with moderate protection. 20 cts. each; 3 for 50 cts; 7 for $1; two-year-old plants, 35 cts. each.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 270.  
Pink rover must certainly not be omitted from the list of climbing Roses, for there are so few of its fresh and lovely shade of colour. It is very sweet-scented, blooms abundantly before Christmas, and wherever grown is at once a favourite. It seems to revel in the conditions here üat the Riviera]
Website/Catalog  (1900)  Page(s) 7.  
Roses on Own Roots.  Tea-Scented. 
Pink Rover  very pale pink, deeper in centre, buds long and handsome; very handsome for buttonholes; a good pillar rose. 
Website/Catalog  (1900)  Page(s) 3.  
Pink Rover  delicate rose color; well formed. 
Website/Catalog  (1899)  Page(s) 45.  
New Varieties for 1899.
Pink Rover  very pale pink, deeper in centre, large, full and expanded, exceedingly sweet.  Growth semi-climbing, useful for covering fences, etc. 
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