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'Painted Belgic' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 167-471
most recent 7 JUN HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN by ruebenmaxe
Leda gets quite a bit of rust in the spring. Of all our old roses, only two get rust: Spong, and Leda. If caught early, it can be removed for the season by clipping all the affected parts, mostly leaves and leaf stems. Will not come back until next spring.
Discussion id : 136-222
most recent 20 JAN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JAN 23 by odinthor
Loddiges lists the 'Painted Belgic' in 1818.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 JAN 23 by jedmar
Thank you, reference added. Wouldn't Loddiges also list the pink version if it is the parent?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 20 JAN 23 by odinthor
Not necessarily. Sport or seedling, Loddiges could have obtained commercial rights to it from an amateur-fancier (not necessarily English) who raised/propagated it from a rose in the amateur's collection, the originator perhaps not specifying the identity of that parent rose to Loddiges. But, sport or seedling, Loddiges might indeed have had the parent rose (knowingly or unknowingly) in the Loddiges collection under a name which gives no clue of its possible relation to 'Painted Belgic' ('Leda'). It might be fruitful to scrutinize the various Belgicas/Agathes in the Loddiges collection, and generally, to shed light on the situation. The situation involving the origins of what we now call 'Leda' and 'Pink Leda' is, and has always been, strangely mysterious and intriguing.
Discussion id : 123-747
most recent 7 NOV 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 NOV 20 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
Léda, fille de Thestios, est l'épouse de Tyndare et la mère de Clytemnestre, d'Hélène, de Phébé et de Castor et Pollux.
Discussion id : 100-700
most recent 11 JUN 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 JUN 17 by Patricia Routley
2000 Heritage Roses New Zealand Vol 21, No 3.
p29 Rose Review. Jay Williams says Leonie Bell discovered that 'Pink Leda' preceded the Leda that is white. The white 'Leda' should be 'Bordee de Rouge'. Both date from 1827, can be found on Page 115 of Desportes. Reference - Old Roser's Digest, April 2000.
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