Article (magazine) (2023) Easy Elegance® Yellow Submarine 'Baiine', Source/Accession JCRA [JC Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh NC] ...Estimated ploidy level(x) 4
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Yellow Submarine, S, my, 2004, [Singin' in the Rain × shrub rose], Lim, Ping; bud slender; flowers bright lemon yellow aging to pale yellow and white, 2 in., 32 petals, borne in clusters of about 5, moderate fragrance; recurrent; foliage medium green, semi-glossy; prickles several, long, triangular, slightly hooked; very upright (2-3½ ft.), bushy growth; hips ellipsoid, green with splotches of purple-brown;
Article (magazine) (2010) Page(s) 1781. Yellow SubmarineTM (BAIine), Northern Earth-Kind rose trials, Shrub, 2004, Ping Lim, Ploidy 4x ....
Article (website) (2007) Roses with superior resistance (less than 2% foliage infected) to black spot and cercospora leaf spot were considered no-spray roses (do not require fungicides for clean foliage).
Yellow Submarine is on the list of no-spray roses.