'Wezlavn' rose Reviews & Comments
This one is slowly winning me over. Give it afternoon shade, plenty of water, along with a nice spring mulching and it eventually responds with some real beauties. Stems are rather short and fragrance is lacking. But Silver Star seems like a pretty good garden rose among the lilac and lavender tones. Blooms last well.
Initial post
13 MAR 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I have had this rose in my front yard for 3 years. It is a show-stopper, and very carefree. It blooms profusely, and the lilac-lavendar color is excepetional. I wish it had a stronger scent, but the flowers are so lovely and well formed it's a thrill to give a bouquet away. And I never fail to thank God I live in America, and many soldiers gave their lives for my freedom - even to have a garden.
Does you bush have a problem with weak necks, like a tea rose?
Initial post
12 JUL 04 by
I cut this rose and it lasted a full week indoors. Stayed lovely the entire time.