'Général Brea' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Rosa ‘General Brea’ Hybrid perpetual. It has bright rose-crimson flowers, globular, large and full and of good form, growth dwarf. [Paul 1863, FC p.61/1855]. Horticultural & Botanical History Rivers considered ‘General Brea’, together with ‘General Bideau’, ‘Graziella’, ‘Robin Hood’ and ‘Prince Leon’, a gem of a rose, considering its flowers to be ‘perhaps, the most chaste and pleasing of all, as their flowers are, for the most part, so elegantly shaped.’ [Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863)]. History at Camden Park Arrived from Veitch’s Nursery, Chelsea on Dec, 31st, 1859 on board the ‘Hollinside’ but dead on arrival. For more detail see Rosa ‘Ducher’.
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 294. Général de Bréa Hybrid Perpetual Jacques Lebougre 1850
Book (1936) Page(s) 105. de Bréa, Général (HP) Lebougre 1850; vivid light red, large, double, fine form
Book (1906) Page(s) 65. 4.180. Général de Bréa, Hybride Remontant, Lebougre 1850 rouge clair
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 336. Hyb. rem. Général de Bréa. Lebougre 1870. Fleur grande, pleine; coloris rouge vif.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 52. hybrid perpetual. Général Bréa (Lebougre, 1870), very beautiful light red, large, full.
Book (1864) Page(s) 429. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. 28. Général Brea...deep pink, leaves and habit of the Bourbon rose, a finely shaped, free blooming, and excellent rose.
Book (28 Dec 1861) Page(s) 10. Hybrid Perpetuals ... General Prea
Website/Catalog (1861) Page(s) 61. Hybrid perpetual... 465. Général Brea, large, full and beautiful light red.
Website/Catalog (1860) Page(s) 26. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. General Brea, S*...dwarf, bright rose, very large, full and fine shape, habit too dwarf.
*The letter S is affixed to all the finest Show Roses; these may be depended on as being the best and most constant for the purposes of exhibition.