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'Julia' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 125-037
most recent 16 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 JAN 21 by Cambridgelad
Bred by Brian Tysterman.

Ref. Heirloom Roses
Discussion id : 108-628
most recent 12 APR 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 FEB 18 by RosePassion77
I live in USA and i want to buy this Rose anyone could help me please
Reply #1 of 6 posted 18 FEB 18 by Patricia Routley
After opening the 'Julia's Rose' file, take a look at the BUY FROM tab near the top right.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 18 FEB 18 by RosePassion77
hi i did and its available in outside USA and I really want to buy the following Roses i have been looking for almost 4 years

Julias Rose
Honey Dijon
Green /fashion
Black Lady
and President Herbert Hoover

could someone help me please
Reply #3 of 6 posted 19 FEB 18 by Patricia Routley
When you open the BUY FROM tab, make sure United States is shown, and not other countries.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 19 FEB 18 by RosePassion77
the 2 in united states say the don't have these Roses?
Reply #5 of 6 posted 19 FEB 18 by Patricia Routley
Rogue Valley and Heirloom Roses list 'Julia's Rose'.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 12 APR 18 by a_carl76
Just bought mine at Roses Unlimited
Discussion id : 17-814
most recent 1 SEP 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 APR 07 by Jan
Can anyone tell me a little more history and lineage of Lady Julia Clements, a famous author and flower arranger in the UK, I believe. I know Julia's Rose was named after her as was 2 other roses. Was she of royal blood? Something of her family tree and life? Any information will be appreciated. Sincerely, Jan
Reply #1 of 10 posted 2 AUG 07 by Judith C.
I can't find any confirmation of her being a 'Lady', nor of being of royal blood. Just a florist and author. She wrote an autobiography, if that's any use: ISBN 0304345520 - My life with flowers. I quote: "Julia Clements records her lifetime of flower arranging which took her to all parts of Great Britain, to the White House in America and to the Kremlin in Russia".
Reply #2 of 10 posted 2 AUG 07 by Jan
Jan here....Thanks for all your help. Just recently I received this wonderful email with some great information on Lady Julia Clements... You may find it interesting... here it is in full. Yes she was a Lady, in fact the widow of Sir Alexander Hay Seton, the 10th Baronet of Abercorn, Armour Bearer to the Queen. Lady Julia just celebrated her 101st birthday this May/07! Have a great day, Jan (See below...)
"Good morning, Mrs Howlett,
I shall repeat from a publishers list given by Julia Clements, which may help to fill in any gaps in the information you have on this lady already:
‘Julia Clements is a judge, teacher and speaker on Floral Art. She is the Author of 20 best selling books on Flower Arrangement which have sold more than one million copies. She is an International Judge of Floral Art having judged at the Paris and Ghent Floralies and in Italy, Monte Carlo, New York, Chicago, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Central America.
She is a Judge and Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society.
She has appeared frequently on Radio and TV loving the latter for its spontaneity.
She wrote a weekly page on the subject for Popular Gardening for twelve years followed by a similar page in Garden News until today.
She is President of the London and Overseas Association of Flower Arrangement Societies and Life Vice-President of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies.
She has the unique distinction of having three roses named after her, i.e. Julia Clements, Lady Seton and Julia’s Rose, the latter winning the gold medal at the 1983 World Congress of Roses.
She was awarded the Victoria Medal of Honour by the Royal Horticultural Society, it being their highest award for her pioneer work with Flower Clubs.
She was awarded the OBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List of 1989.
It is her abounding enthusiasm and lucid style which attracts her audiences, in fact, John Hall of the Daily Mail, when writing of her as the Arch Priestess of Flower Arranging said ‘she has led more than 3,000,000 women in various parts of the world into the grip of Flower Arranging.’
Miss Clements is the widow of Sir Alexander Hay Seton, the 10th Baronet of Abercorn.' (I also found he was Armour Bearer to the Queen)
Obviously this was written some years ago, but the information is still relevant.
I hope this helps.
Drusilla Attwood
PA to Chief Executive"
Reply #3 of 10 posted 2 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Very interesting, Jan. I was wondering whether she was still alive, having found her date of birth. 101, a good age! Thank you for all the information ...
Reply #4 of 10 posted 3 AUG 07 by Jan
Your welcome Judith. I visited your rose page today and it is filled with lovely and gorgeous rose photos. Inspiring indeed! I shall visit again in the future. Take care. Jan.
Reply #5 of 10 posted 3 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Thanks, Jan! Have a nice day!
Reply #9 of 10 posted 1 SEP 10 by Unregistered Guest
Lady Julia is still alive, I am a carer at the home where she is a resident. I often look after her.
Reply #10 of 10 posted 1 SEP 10 by HMF Admin
Thank you for sharing that good news. We wish her well.
Reply #6 of 10 posted 21 FEB 09 by Unregistered Guest
I have just read your post on lady Julia Seton to the question is she still alive she is very much alive and wonderfully well for being 104 this coming birthday. She resides in a nursing home at the moment. I would like to know where to purchase one of Lady Julias roses it would be nice to plant one where she is living.
Reply #7 of 10 posted 21 FEB 09 by anonymous-240252
Hello Anonymous,
From the little research I've been able to do I understand Julia's Rose is hard to find in nurseries. What a is so beautiful. It certainly would be a lovely and sweet gesture if you were successful in being able to obtain her rose to plant near where she lives. God has certainly created beautiful flowers and this is a gorgeous, elegant rose.

The only source I found in my search had her at 101 years of age in May of 2007, so perhaps this is incorrect. It sounds like you would be closer to her and have more acurate knowledge of her age. Thanks for this update. What an amazing age!! I appreciate the update. Hope you can find the rose to plant near her. Maybe it would bring her great delight and praise to our Creator.
Have a great day. Jan
Reply #8 of 10 posted 11 AUG 09 by Unregistered Guest
Julia's rose can be purchased from David Austin roses
Discussion id : 28-949
most recent 13 SEP 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JUL 08 by brogusblue
The chocolate rose is called The Pasley Manor rose a bush rose growing to approx 2,5 ft tall ,flowering all summer if dead headed
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 JUL 08 by Cass
Thanks for the information! What an interesting color. I love the coffee colored roses. That's a beauty.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 SEP 09 by Karin Schade
I bought this rose 2 years ago and I can not find a difference between Julias Rose and the chocolate rose.
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