'Anémone' rose References
Book (3 Jan 2001) Page(s) 33. Oeillet [Vibert wrote in 1824:] the 'Oeillet' rose [was] for many years announced as having been found at Mantes, coming from a degenerated Centifolia. The fact of the matter is that this rose, which originated more than thirty-five years ago [c. 1790], was grown at Le Mans, from a crop of Centifolia seed... Monsieur Poilpré, grower at Le Mans was the first to propagate this rose, from which he obtained the Centifolias 'Anémone' and 'Sans Pétales'...
Book (1936) Page(s) 24. Anémone (centifolia) Poilpré 1814; light pink to light red, small short central petals, large outer petals, 7 cm, semi-double, conical, = La coquille
Book (1858) Page(s) 138. Rosa centifolia anemonoides Thory. Anemonen-Cen tifolie. Eine Uebergangsform von der gemeinen Centifolie zur Nelkenrose, mit anemonenartigen Blumen und kleinen, rosenrothen Kronblättern.
Translation: Rosa centifolia anemonoides Thory. Anemone centifolia. A transitional form from the common centifolia to the carnation rose [Caryophyllea], with anemone-like flowers and small, pink, red petals
Website/Catalog (1842) Page(s) 28. Rosa centifolia anemoneoides, Anemonenblüthige Rose ....2 Courant Mark
Book (1842) Page(s) 265. R. centifol. anemonoides Thory. Anemone-Centifolia. A transition form from the common centifolia to the Carnation Rose, with anemone-like blooms and smaller, pink petals
Website/Catalog (1836) Page(s) 15. Cent feuilles.... anémone....... 2 francs
Book (1835) Page(s) Vol. II, tab 66. Includes photo(s). ROSA CENTIFOLIA ANEMOIDES...LA CENT-FEUILLES ANÉMONE.
[Same text as in the 1821 edition, with following modifications:]
...environ vingt ans... [instead of "...environ dix ans...]
On le trouve dans les pépinières du commerce de Paris et dans celle de M. POILPRÉ , au Mans. [instead of "On le trouve dans les pépinières de MM. Noisette et Poilpré."]
Book (1828) Page(s) 29. R. Centfeuilles .... 414 - Anémone.- Anemonoides. Th. in Red. Ros. 2. p. 115. ic. (Le Mans, 1800). Fl. rose.
Magazine (10 Mar 1827) Page(s) 154. The following roses no garden ought to be without:-... Smallest size.- Renoncule pourpre, Centfeuilles anémone
Magazine (1827) Page(s) 216. Roses with flowers of a small size, or from 12 to 18 lines in diameter... 12 Centfeuilles anémone, r. [rose]