'Cerise Bouquet' rose References
Book (2008) Page(s) 97. Michael Marriott. All the Latest News From David Austin Roses. The Alnwick Garden in Northumberland.....the back contains some of the biggest, varieties like Cerise Bouquet, Alba Semi Plena and various species roses. While these only flower once they often bear a wonderful crop of hips and can be used as a support for the late summer flowering varieties of Clematis viticella. They also have the advantage of needing little or no pruning.
Book (2002) Page(s) 31. Shrub. Not rated
Magazine (2002) Page(s) 46. Vol 96, Part 2. Jim Naylor. Personal Favourites. Choosing a shrub rose.....Finally I settled on 'Cerise Bouquet'. This is a modern shrub rose bred by Tantau in 1958. The blooms are bright cerise as its name suggests and they have a light fragrance. It is a very free flowering shrub, producing an outstanding display of medium-sized eye catching blooms on very strong, slightly arching branches. Very vigorous with dull green foliage, it is suitable for tall hedges or specimen planting. It has received an Award of Garden Merit jointly from the RNRS and RHS.
Magazine (2002) Page(s) 46. Vol 96, Part 2. Jim Naylor. Personal Favourites. Choosing a shrub rose.....Finally I settled on 'Cerise Bouquet'. This is a modern shrub rose bred by Tantau in 1958. The blooms are bright cerise as its name suggests and they have a light fragrance. It is a very free flowering shrub, producing an outstanding display of medium-sized eye catching blooms on very strong, slightly arching branches. Very vigorous with dull green foliage, it is suitable for tall hedges or specimen planting. It has received an Award of Garden Merit jointly from the RNRS and RHS.
Book (2000) Page(s) 60. Mr. Jim Cane. A New world of Shrub Roses Symposium. Another great shrub in the same vein as the last ['Highdownensis'], but with double cerise blooms, is the 1958 R. multibracteata hybrid Cerise Bouquet. It is a prolific bloomer, with long arching branches. The cerise blooms are nicely set off by grey-green foliage. Again it needs a lot of space and will easily attain 4 metres x 4 metres if left alone. Its great as a focal point on a bit of a rise or even next to a large, not too formal, stretch of water. it is also a useful screen or hedge. Its very thorny nature ensures that it comes to little harm. If you have chain mesh skin it is also superb in huge flower arrangements, using its long arching stems to best effect.
Book (2000) Page(s) 152. Includes photo(s). ‘Cerise Bouquet’: Arbuste. Tantau, Allemagne, 1958. RHS Award of Garden Merit 1993. Puissant et généreux… menus bouquets de fleurs semi-doubles au parfum léger, d’un rose cerise intense et lumineux. De forte végétation… grands rameaux légèrement arqués d’un fin feuillage vert mat…
Website/Catalog (31 Dec 1998) Page(s) 28. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (Jun 1998) Page(s) 44. Includes photo(s).
Book (1997) Page(s) 221. Includes photo(s). Cerise Bouquet Hybrid Multibracteata. Kordes 1958. Description... Double bright cerise flowers are produced in profusion on long, arching branches amid dense greyish-green foliage...
Book (Sep 1996) p9 Photo. The brightly coloured, fully open flower of the modern shrub Cerise Bouquet shows clearly its beautiful, old-fashioned form.
p42. Photo. Cerise Bouquet is an outstanding rose. It can be used either as a climber or as a vigorous free-standing shrub. In the garden of La Bonne Maison it thrives as both.
p66. Photo. Cerise Bouquet Hybrid multibracteata. This rose makes a strong-growing dense, thorny shrub with a propensity for large quantities of flowers in its first flush each June. It has the pleasing habit of producing another goodly flush - although not quite in such quantity - in the autumn. It was raised by Tantau in Germany in 1958 from a cross between Rosa bracteata (from which it has inherited its vigour) and the Hybrid Tea 'Crimson Glory' (from which it gets its delicious cerise-crimson flower). The buds are scrolled until almost fully open, a trait which also comes from the Hybrid Tea. Although dense with petals when it is fully open the golden-yellow stamens set the flower off to perfection. A particularly attractive feature is the tidy way that the flowers in each cluster are evenly spaced. The flowers have the most lovely acidy fragrance. This shrub can get huge if given its head. It is capable of making an effective tree climber. Another use to which it can be adapted is an informal hedge, when it will become almost impenetrable and deter the most determined of trespassers. Its leaves are small, numerous and grey-green and I have never seen this most rewarding of roses suffer from anything more onerous than an occasional attack of greenfly.
p186 Andre Eve's Garden..... Of all the roses in this garden, an excellent specimen of the almost evergreeen hybrid of R. multibracteata Cerise Bouquet stands out for me. Here its head is allowed, as it should be, to grow into a wide, dense shrub.