'Jupiter' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 281. Jupiter R. spinosissima hybrid. Flowers bright pink... fruit black...
Book (30 Sep 1921) Page(s) 39. Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported by the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction during the period from July 1 to September 30, 1921 (No. 68; Nos. 53896 to 54425). 54233 to 54235. Rosa spinosissima L. Scotch rose 54234. Var. Jupiter, a horticultural variety.
Magazine (23 Jun 1917) Page(s) 40. Scotch Roses. ...From the garden of the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, the Arboretum received a few years ago a collection of Scotch Roses for which this garden was once famous. A plant in this collection called Jupiter, with pale pink single flowers, and another called Lady Boilles with small pale yellow flowers are attractive and worth attention. The Scotch Roses are with the other species in the general Shrub Collection.
Magazine (1 Jul 1886) Page(s) 108. Rosa spinosissima ou Rosier Pimprenelle Choix des mailleures variétés. Jupiter, pourpre marbré blanc.
Magazine (10 Jun 1848) Page(s) 381. "A Few Words on Scotch Roses." [by William Paul] ..I shall conclude this notice by offering a list of a few of the most distinct and interesting that have come under my personal observation. Jupiter, flowers rosy purple marbled with white
Book (1848) Page(s) 18. The Scotch Rose. 36. Jupiter; flowers marbled purple.
Book (1833) Page(s) 119. ROSA, ROSE. New garden varieties of the Spinosissima, in the Rosarium Scoticum Jupiter.