'Strawberry Parfait' rose Reviews & Comments
This is my 2nd year with this rose, and I am really impressed! It is now hovering near 7 feet in height, and is just covered in blooms. This was a 1 gallon own root last year, so the growth is very impressive. Was much more winter hardy (zone 5b) than I expected.
#1 of 1 posted
6 APR 20 by
Mike, do you still have the Imperatrice Farah rose?
This is the only new planted rose that didn't survive the winter. I bought two of them from different nurseries, the other one struggles very hard to survive! And as for the end of may 2011 it passed away. I planted Tagetes on the open spot, so I can plant a new rose in due time!
I planted this rose two years ago and so far have been disappointed in the blooms I am getting. I don't think I get enough to begin with and the quality of the blooms is disappointing in a way. The form is very good as they are very high centered. And the color of the blooms is delightful. However, they are very small and super tightly packed with many many petals per bloom that if they were to open properly would make BIG wonderful blooms I am sure. I pruned it fairly hard last Spring and maybe that was the problem. It really sailed through this past winter with no added protection by me except for what oak leaves fell around the bush from two oak trees adjacent to the garden beds. So I pruned it very lightly, only cutting off what little winter dead canes there was which was very little. Hopefully this will make a difference this year. I think I will know fairly soon when it starts blooming. If it doesn't improve this Spring, I will shovel prune it and replace it with a HT rose from my Pot Ghetto of roses that were bareroots I potted up last Spring and overwintered in the garage. John
I live in Spain (zone 10). Farah Diva is a great performer in hot weather, maybe the best I grow. The colour changes slowly, and you can enjoy the flowers in the bush for even a fortnight. This is a great point to consider, if we are in the middle of a hot Summer. The scent is rather intense, fruity. Although it is classified as an HT, I would recommend not to make a hard prunning.