'Zhang Zuo Shuang' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
15 OCT 12 by
it would be much appreciated if thorniness and habit data could be included. thankyou
We would love to include them. Do you have any reference which mentions these details? Or perhaps the breeder might enlighten us.
#2 of 9 posted
16 OCT 12 by
Thanks for your reply. I guess you have access to much the same references I do. If the site were a wiki-style thing that's editable by members, I'd be happy to add info where necessary, as would other members no doubt. Or perhaps that's possible already and I haven't discovered how it's done.
All you have to do is to put the reference year, page number and exact text in as a comment and we'll add it.
You may still add information about any rose in the HMF database using the MEMBER COMMENTS on the rose page.
We often carry forward the information provided by HMF site users to the rose page and add a NOTE to the rose page to let other site users know where we got the information telling them to see MEMBER COMMENTS.
We reserve REFERENCES for publications or other sources of information which are open to public scrutiny.
It is the participation of the garden community that makes HMF such a rich resource. The sharing of information and experiences with roses adds incredible value to HMF.
Smiles, Lyn
Dear HelpMeFind User and Patricia. I came accross your comments. The Official Registry and Checklist provides the following information about prickles - "moderate (numbers), medium (size), slightly curved". This is information provided by the breeder when registering this rose. Anyone looking for a thornless rose should look elsewhere. It is bred from a yellow HT, and large thorns are a feature of many such roses, 'Peace' for example.
This rose has a light, fruity fragrance. Its growth is 1.5 to 2 metres, very free flowering with good repeat. Clearly as a Silver medal winner at International trial, this rose is exellent quality. I might add that people I have spoken from NSW and Queensland report poorer results than we share in Victoria. Soil, pH, climate, and cultivation may play a part in this perception.
'China Sunrise' was on the market for a few years thanks to Gary Matuschka of Treloars, and of course it was raised by and sold from Reliable Roses. I still have a plant and can propagate plants if it is hard to now come by. Please remember that roses are not car parts, you can't necessarily just get one off the shelf.
#6 of 9 posted
20 FEB 13 by
Hello Laurie, many thanks for the information, which I have only now come across! Please excuse the newbie question, but what is the official registry and checklist and where can it be found?
Thank you for your interest. Official Registry and Checklist is published by International Cultivar Registration Authority - Rosa, Shreveport, LA. It has replaced Modern Roses 12, the last in a series that was begun by J.Horace McFarland circa 1916. If I can add to the reference by Stephen Scanniello, Modern Roses began as a compendium of American bred roses collected by J. Horace McFarland, expanded in 1931 to include roses bred internationally (Modern Roses 7 though I may be mistaken). Modern Roses 12 was published in 2007 by American Rose Society. In 2009, American Rose Society decided to not publish Modern Roses into the future, and Official Registry and Checklst was born, utilising the database of information begun by McFarland and continued by American Rose Society as International Registrar of New Rose Names until 2003. International Society for Horticultural Science, which is interested only in the results of cultivation of new plants by Man, seems to now have been given access to ARS database of roses for publication of all rose cultivars, now known as Official Registry and Checklist. In 2003 the former International Registration Authority of Roses was replaced by the title International Cultivation Registry Authority - Rosa, and it somehow functions between ARS and ISHS. ICRA - Rosa is now used retrospectively back to 1955, so you might not find references to IRAR.
Go to for more information about purchasing this reference. Be aware that as was the case with the editions of Modern Roses, details of naturally occurring roses are no longer listed.
Hi Laurie.............
The book MR 12 has been turned into a database on the ARS site. (http://www.ars. org/ ... please delete spaces to make link functional). To find the new roses registrations listed as part of their role as ICRA-R, you need to click on the RECENT REGISTRATIONS link below ICRA-R and then sort by date. This will only give you a date and will not give you much plant information. To get to the plant information, you need to subscribe to the MR 12 database and can look up the rose several different ways.
HMF does use the MR 12 database as a REFERENCE, but both are big databases, so more detailed plant information is being entered into HMF over time.
Smiles, Lyn
#9 of 9 posted
3 MAR 13 by
Thankyou very much for that very comprehensive information Laurie and Lyn. I really appreciate conscientious and exacting so many people here are. Roses, the growing of, must attract this kind of person.
Just to point out that 'China Sunset' is not associated with this rose. I have written somewhere that I had decides on that name, but one early morning descending into Beijing, the sky at sunrise was exactly the colour of this new rose, so it became 'China Sunrise'. My Chinese friends were delighted that I had changed the name from "Sunset" (something dying) to "Sunrise" (something beginning), and there was then no doubt left in my mind.
Perhaps you can remove the reference to "China Sunset"?
Of course.
Gorgeous color wish, we could buy it in the US.
This magnificent rose can be seen at State Rose Garden, Werribee, Mornington Rose Garden, and Reliable Roses Nursery.
We do not have any of the gardens you mentioned listed on HMF. Can you provide more information about: State Rose Garden Werribee Mornington Rose Garden
Thanks !
Helpmefind does list the State Rose Garden Werribee under:
Victoria State Rose Garden
Thank you, can you help with Mornington Rose Garden.
Wonderful ! We have updated this rose to reflect these additional gardens.