'Aristide' rose References
Book (2001) Page(s) 78. R. pimpinellifolia 'Aristide' Il "Pépinièriste" Loubert, che ci ha fatto avere ques^te piante, ci scrive che provengono dalla "Roseraie de l'Hay", la quale a sua volta le cataloga come "origine inconnue". Pianta alta m. 1.20, rami verdi senza spine, foglie a molte foglioline verde glauco, fiori a 5 petali, rosa, con leggero profumo.
Translation: R. pimpinellifolia 'Aristide' The nursery Loubert, who gave us these plants, writes to us that they come from the "Roseraie de l'Hay", which in turn categorizes them as "unknown origin". Plant 1.20 m. tall, green branches without prickles, glaucous green foliage with many leaflets, 5-petalled flowers, pink, with a light fragrance.
Book (1936) Page(s) 34. Aristide (pimpinellifolia) in Scotland ? ; pink
Book (1936) Page(s) 35. Aristides (?) in England before 1817; cream and pink, double
Book (1936) Page(s) 34. Aristide (pimpinellifolia) in Scotland ? ; pink
Book (1903) Page(s) 236. The Scotch Rose. 2. Aristides; flowers white and pink.
Book (1902) Page(s) 150. Race des Rosiers Pimprenelle 5602. Aristide... (Écosse)... rosé.
Magazine (24 Dec 1881) Page(s) 612. Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs Cultivated in the Garden of Bitton Vicarage, December, 1830. Rosa spinosissima Aristides
Book (1833) Page(s) 119. ROSA, ROSE. New garden varieties of the Spinosissima, in the Rosarium Scoticum Aristides.