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'Rosa alberti Regel' rose References
Website/Catalog  (19 Jan 2016)  
Name: R. albertii (Regel)
Synonyms: R. alberti (Regel)
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: R. albertii
Sp, w; flowers white to pale yellow, 1½ in., borne singly; once-blooming, in June; foliage small, with 5-9 leaflets; prickles long, sharp, red; growth erect, short (3 ft.); fruit oval, orange-red, crowned with persistent sepals. Eurosa, Cinnomomeae. 1877; native to the Tian-Shan Mountains of central Asia; allied to R. willmottiae
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) Table S2.  
rosa albertii, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 12, Percentage of assignation: 100.0, 1877, Sp, Regel, Origin: Asia, Ploidy: 4, measured
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 354.  
R. albertii (Albert rose). Distribution: The Altai, Tarbagatai, Dzhungarskei, Zailiyskei, Kirghiz, Kungei, Talasskei Alatau. Use: Food, medicinal, ornamental plant.
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 354, 356.  
Albert Rose (Rosa alberti Regel). This species grows in forest borders and among shrubs in forest belt of the mountains. It is a xero-mesophytic, strongly branched shrub 1.5 m high with long, arching branches with thin, short, straight thorns. Leaves are obovate or elliptical. White flowers are borne singly. Orange-red fruits with dehiscent sepals are smooth or with long setae, ovate or elliptical, 1.5 cm long. It is one of the species with the highest vitamin content in Kazakhstan, containing 4,000 to 20,000 mg/100g of ascorbic acid. It is used as a rootstock for horticultural remontant roses.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 337.  Includes photo(s).
R. alberti Rgl. in A. H. P. VIII (1883) 278; Crep. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. IV (1896) 716; Bouleng. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Bruxelles XIV, 2 (1936) 176.— ? R.beggeriana var. macrocarpa R.Kell. in Verb. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. XLVI (l904) 113 p.p.
Shrub, strongly branching, more than 1 m high; branches long, acutely curved; prickles small, thin, erect, subulate or abruptly tapering, usually together with acicular prickles at base; leaves with (5)7— 9 (11) leaflets, oblanceolate or elliptic base, tapering or orbicular, apex rounded or acute, 4.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, glabrous above, generally hairy (at least along veins) beneath, often eglandulose; teeth as a rule duplicate -glandular-serrate; petioles pubescent, sometimes glandular; stipules with acute declinate auricles, bearing glands along margins. Flowers frequently solitary, exceeding bracts; pedicels 1.2—3.5 cm long, smooth, often glandular, longer than the long ovoid, ellipsoid or lageniform, and smooth hypanthium; sepals narrow, gradually tapering at base, slightly broadened distally, 1—2.5 cm long; corolla 3— 4 cm in diameter; petals as long as or longer than sepals, slightly notched, white; style head flat or orbicular, lanate; fruit ovoid or ellipsoid, 1.5 cm long, attenuate, falling off together with disk and
and sepals. June— July. (Plate XXIX, Figure l).
Mountain forests, forest edges, shrubby formations.— W. Siberia: Alt.: Centr. Asia: Dzu.-Tarb., T. Sh. Endemic. Described from Tien Shan. Type in Leningrad.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 445.  
R. gymnocarpa...Related species: R. Alberti Reg. Shrub to 1 m.; stems densely prickly and bristly: lfts. orbicular to obovate or ovate, 6-30 mm. long, often doubly serrate, appressed-pubescent beneath: fls. white, about 3 cm. across; pedicels glandular, receptacle smooth: fr. pear-shaped, 1.5-2 cm. long. Turkest. Intr. 1877. Zone V.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 5.  
Albert Rose. See R. Alberti.
Magazine  (1936)  
Rosa Alberti Regel, Act. Hort. Petropol. VIII. 1883, p. 278; Crép.
...La description originale de Regel est très concise, mais dans une lettre à CröPin en 1883, accompagnée de spécimens-type provenant du....
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 69.  
Rose Species
Rosa Alberti, Regel. (Turkestan.) Single white flowers 1½ inches across; slender, recurving branches with small, finely divided foliage. Closely allied to R. Willmottiæ.
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 338.  
[Under the heading Interesting Species and Hybrids not Classified.] Alberti; single yellow flowers in the way of R. Ecae, but freer and better.
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