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'Jubilé du Prince de Monaco ®' rose Member Journal Entires
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8 days ago
Second plant received in 2025 - Received as a free gift with my order
Cherry Parfait Rose at the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden. Photo by Glenn Franco Simmons. © GTFS
28 OCT 11
Purchased as a band plant from Heirloom March 2011. This is a ridiculously vigorous rose for me. I planted it in the garden in August of 2011 while it was still a tiny 6inX6in and gave it some shade in the form of a lawn chair. It grew little, but bloomed regularly for the rest of 2011. Early 2012 C.P. lept out of the ground to three feet by three feet and bloomed its head off. There are always flowers on this plant and I get the most compliments from it out of 80+ other roses. No scent, but I forgive that. By August 2012, C.P. was an easy 5x4.5.

Chilli Thrips invaded my garden in mid-Aug 2012, and this rose had the least amount of damage out of everything else. I cut everything back at that time, and this one went down to 3x3. It has rebounded nicely like nothing ever happened.

2014- left at old house, but may replace.
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