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'CLEegypt' rose Member Journal Entires
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New for 2025 - ordered from Rogue Valley Roses
24 AUG 12
Purchased 2011 from heirloom- died same year. Purchased again from heirloom Sep 2012.

April 2013- SotN has made it's first bloom finally, but it still a VERY tiny plant. Going to pinch buds probably for the rest of the year. The fragrance description is totally accurate. These blooms smell just like candy.

Sept 2013- My plant wasn't doing very well for the first half of this year, and it seemed for a time that it might be headed the same direction as the first plant I had. I determined that SOtN is very easily overwatered, which for my location seems an impossible thing. I watered that particular plant (still in 2 gallon pot) much less often than everything else, and that did the trick. Seems to be taking off now, with healthy foliage and beautiful flowers. I will probably pot up to a 5 gallon before the end of the year so that I can watch it a bit more before planting in the ground next year (hopefully).

1/21/2016- has grown backwards and died
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