'Vintage Wine' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
16 MAY 13 by
This is a "breaks my heart" situation for most likely it is extinct. A deep red/yellow bicolor is not very common and in a climber extremely rare, this one was IT. I also had this one, from Edmunds, and I loved it. Lost it/left it behind in a move and always thought it was unique enough to stay around but evidentally this was not to be. Looking through my old ARS annuals and the POP's, Vintage Wine was actually "better" reviewed. It wasn't a FLOP. Just seemed to catch nobody's favor. Although somewhat smaller and LESS formal in shape, DARK NIGHT is close to this one..............with roses it truly is staggering how quickly the future can slip into the past and how some totally non-descript varieties remain even if in the specialty nurseries while something like Vintage Wine may very well be lost...................
I was surprised to learn, from a most reputable source, that at the big rose companies, such as J & P, the rose breeders, such as Messires Carruth and Zary, had no control over which of the many plants they bred would be introduced, nor over naming. We mustn't blame breeders for "Sentimental" (get it, hah hah) or "Ch-ching" ( I wonder who dreamed that one up?). No doubt, someone in a corp office decided to promote, eg, Joseph's Coat instead of other brilliantly colored climbers. Such is life these days.
Maybe if you put word out that you would like to trade for a cutting you might find that someone still has it?
#2 of 5 posted
16 MAY 13 by
Laughing here, Nastarana, because I HATE the name "Ch-Ching" and many others such as "Girls Night Out" and anything along the lines of "Way to Go!" or "What a Winner!" (think I made those up but you get what I mean)....yeah, it IS all BIG BUSINESS, just like the fashion world, with trends coming and going and certain houses pulling more weight...frustrating though it is, I am truly fascinated by this angle of the rose world............
The naming is annoying enough but what truly irritated me was the incomprehensible way the major rose companies would decide which roses to sell and which to discontinue. You have heard about Rose Rhapsody, which one of the big guys dropped for no apparent reason and which Heirloom was able to pick up? From all accounts it is a fine and fragrant HT, though possibly not hardy where I am. By the time you might decide to buy a rose you had been admiring in your neighbor's yard, and remember it takes at least three years for a rose to reveal itself in all its' glory, it would likely be no longer available.
#4 of 5 posted
9 NOV 17 by
I have a plant of Vintage Wine that was given to me last year by a local rose garden. It has yet to bloom in the large pot I planted it in. As soon as it does I plan on posting a photo to verify it is what I was told. Once it gets large enough I plan on propagating it from cuttings.
Hello. Looking over my messages I remember trying to fine one back again. I am able to root year round. I would certainly purchase a couple of rooted plants from you or some cuttings. Please let me know.
Jason Derer .....Criterion123@aol.com Thank you.
PS Many people were not happy with it because they said the blooms were too large for the size of the plant. And of course they will split. I LOVED IT!
There is no earthly reason why this fine climbing HT should be gone! I purchased mine from Edmunds and it's blooms are huge. The flowers resemble Flaming Peace and it does have split centers at times. I no longer have this plant and cannot seem to find one. If anyone knows where there is one, please post a source of cuttings or plants. Edmunds catalogs from the mid 1980's have a picture of this rose in them.