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'Gruss an Aachen' rose Member Journal Entires
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5 days ago
New for 2025 - ordered from Burlington Rose Nursery
24 MAY 14
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Purchased from Rio Bay Roses May 2014.

7/18/14- Planted in new garden in a lot of shade.

10/20/14- I'm liking this one. Good rebloom, pretty subtle coloration, nice rounded habit, no disease problems so far. No irrigation. 2x2

3/20/2016- Had to move my plant because it's former home became a sidewalk. It's planted in a full sun garden bed now (with irrigation).

4/7/2021- Has never rebounded from the move, and won't grow at all. Makes one or two flowers a year. This might be a rose that prefers some shade in Houston gardens.

1/22/2022- finally died. I would try this one again with much less sun.
looking good! several blossums and leaves look good. still in black pot it came in.
got from baker's nursery on 2/21/2012. surprised it was on list. little rose in big 5 gallon pot. ai will eventually put it in my largets blue por.
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