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'Fornarina' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 43-44.  
Fornarina Gallica. Vibert, 1841. The author cites information from different sources... Roseate spotted with white... deep rose color, marbled with white...
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 216-217.  Includes photo(s).
Fornarina Vibert (?), 1841 (?)
Habit: upright shrub; very branched; some hooked prickles. Foliage: dark green; elliptical leaflets, sometimes 7 per leaf. Bloom: double, but some stamens visible; petals reflexed on the circumference. Colour: pink, spotted white; some paler petals. Fragrance: moderate.
Sources: Desportes (1828), no 1119; Van Houtte, catal. 1844, p. 8, and following catal.; Verdier, catal. 1841, no. 218; Vibert, catal. 1841, no 470, and following catal. Bibliography: Thomas, p. 33. Commerce: yes, but rare (and probably incorrect). Collections: author, Gap-Charance, L'Haÿ, Sangerhausen.

Two Gallicas have carried the name of the celebrated mistress of Raphaël. One was obtained by Vetillard, of Mans, in 1826: it was "blackish purple" (according to Desportes). The other was obained by Vibert in 1841: it is described as "pink spotted white".
The specimen which is found in the collection of Sangerhausen is attributed to Vetillard, 1826, but it is not at all "blackish purple". The one which is at 'Haÿ, also attributed to Vetillard, 1826, is also not "blackish purple", but quite "pink spotted white": we are therefore inclined to believe that it is the 'Formarina' of Vibert, 1841.
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 50.  
gallica, Fornarina, pink spotted, medium size, full.
Book  (1858)  Page(s) 210.  
Rosa gallica.
Fornarina, Blumen mittelgroß, voll, rosa punktirt.

Translation: Rosa gallica.
Fornarina, the medium-sized, full flowers are a speckled pink.
Website/Catalog  (1847)  Page(s) 63.  
Provins ....Fornarina, moyen, pleine, rose ponctué ...1 Fr 50 c.
Website/Catalog  (1846)  Page(s) 37.  
French Roses.  Rosa Gallica.
Flowers striped, variegated, mottled, or marbled.

The flowers are all of cupped form unless otherwise denoted. 
1304. Fornarina...Roseate spotted with white...75 cents
Magazine  (Oct 1842)  Page(s) 221.  
Rosier, espèces recommandables.
...Après avoir suivi la floraison des roses, nous avons remarqué chez M. V. Verdier les suivantes, dont on peut faire un choix pris dans les plus nouvelles, introduites dans ses cultures depuis 3 à 4 ans.
Provins.....Fornarina, moyenne, pleine, rose ponctué blanc.
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 960.  
Liste des principales Roses du commerce, disposées selon la méthode de Lindley.
6e. Tribu. Rosiers cent-feuilles.
17 Rosa gallica. Roses de Provins.
§ I. Provins à fleurs ponctuées, panachées, striées et marbrées.
Fornarina. Moyenne, pleine, rose ponctué blanc.
Magazine  (1842)  Page(s) Vol. 2, n.17, p. 304-305.  
Exposition Spéciale des Roses et le Bazar horticole de la Fête-Dieu 1842 [May 27 - June 3] ... M. Vibert, route de Paris, à Angers...
Provins marbrés, striés, ponctués et panachés..... aimable Henriette. (1842.) Agamède. André Thouin. Baucis. belle Hermione. belle Hermione no 2. belle Hermione n3. belle Hermione no 4. Berlèse. Bérangère. bizarre marbrée. Catinat. camaïeu. Cosimo Ridolphi. (1842.) cramoisie picotée. dona Sol. (1842.) duc de Nemours. Fatime. Fénélon. Fontenelle. Fornarina. L'Hospital. Lucile Duplessis. Madelon Friquet. (1842.) Malesherbes. Monime. Nelson. œillet parfait. Omphale. panachée double. panachée pleine. pourpre strié de blanc. renoncule ponctuée. rose Mary. (1842.) Timarette. tricolor. tricolor n° 1. tricolor n°2. Tullie. uniflore marbrée. dix semis de 1841 à 1842.
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