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'Federation' rose References
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 112.  
Federation. LR. (Horvath; int. Wayside Gardens Co., '38.) (R. setigera X Mrs. F. F. Prentiss) X Director Rubió. Bud pointed; fl. large (3½ in.), dbl. (24-36 wavy petals), cupped, very fragrant, rosy-pink, orange undertone; long, strong stem. Fol. leathery, glossy, dark. Very vig. cl. (12-14 ft.). Pl. Pat. 287 (expired).
Book  (1949)  Page(s) 185.  
"Modern Hardy Climbers In New England" by Karl P. Jones of Barrington, R.I. reviews about 65 hardy climbers, including Federation: vigorous, 15 ft., medium hardy, large, semi-double pink flowers like Rosa damascena, some intermittent bloom if deadheaded.
Website/Catalog  (1948)  Page(s) 102.  Includes photo(s).
Federation (U.S. Plant Patent No. 287) Climbing Rosa Setigera Hybrid by Horvath. Color of Flower: Lively, brilliant and sparkling rose pink with lighter center, iridescent orange undertone. Flowers are produced in very large quantities in bracts on stems 12 to 24 inches long, individual blooms 3,5 inches in diameter. Petals wavy and crested forming charming, cuplike, semi-double flowers which have from 24 to 36 petals. Excellent for cutting. Very sweetly scented. Foliage: Rich green, quite dark. We have never seen black spot or mildew on this variety in our test garden for four years. Would say absolutely mildew proof. Hardiness: Hardy without protection in the Temperate Zone. Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions where growing Roses heretofore has not been possible or exceedingly difficult. Size of Plant: Ultimate height 10 to 12 feet. Canes are very plentiful which is in part responsible for the tremendous amount of flowers produced.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 196.  
Proof of the Pudding: reports vary from "25 canes 10 to 24 ft. long, no winter damage" to "perhaps at 3 ft. it is at its proper height"; color described as waterlily-red
Magazine  (Dec 1943)  Page(s) vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 119-120.  
The Recent Horvath Climbers
R. E. Shepherd, Medina, Ohio
Although about 30 per cent of the wood of Federation will probably he lost each winter, the remaining portion will produce a heavy crop of very attractive semidouble, fragrant, rosy pink blossoms that are borne on long strong stems. Setigera, Hybrid Teas and a trace of Wichuraiana have been combined and the result is a very worthwhile vigorous Climber.
Book  (1943)  Page(s) 188-189.  
Proof of the Pudding, where growers generally seemed to like this rose.
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 199.  
Proof of the Pudding records growers' experiences.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 65.  
R. Marion Hatton. New Roses in America. 
His [M. H. Horvath's] first Setigera hybrid the Climber 'Doubloons' has become quite popular, and is now followed by the Climbers Buff King, 'Federation', 'Hercules', 'Mercurius', 'Polaris' and 'Thor'. These are all husky plants, with heavy canes 8 to 15 feet long, and bloom but once...Federation has 33 inch flowers of warm rose pink, 25 to 30 petals, and is sweetly scented;
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 240.  
Description of originator and introducer, including color: rosy pink, orange undertone; vigorous; climber
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