'Golden Arctic' rose Reviews & Comments
Yellow has never been my favorite color for a rose, but Golden Arctic will change your mind. She is gorgeous and pumps out huge yellow fragrant blooms that range from creamy to dark yellow as she ages. And her fragrance for me is delicious. She is always first to bloom for me in the spring. Her only downfall is a bout with spring mildew but overcomes once the heat hits here. I am Zone 6 Idaho. No spray garden
#1 of 4 posted
1 NOV 16 by
Can you please tell me about the size and growth habit? HMF says it is a climber on the description page but lists the size as 4 1/2' there which sounds like a shrub.
I know longer own her nor do I live in Idaho. But she was more of a tall shrub. I saw her at her largest maybe 8 foot. I found her easy to control. Are you going to be able to find a plant? She is somewhat rare.
#3 of 4 posted
2 NOV 16 by
Thank you for the size info! Greenmantle nursery seems to have her.
Like you, yellow roses are not usually my favorites ~ so I am intrigued to try this one based on your comment.
She is beautiful. Old fashioned form and the fragrance is yummy! Good luck.
Initial post
16 JAN 09 by
G.A. is lovely as a deep yellow scented climber. She's reached 6' as a 4 year old shrub (only 1 yr in the ground). The blooms are quite large and full; good with re-bloom. BS does get it but yellows tend to be susceptible (Gold Stern and Golden Gate are supposed to be better choices in that regard). I had flowers from June-Nov here on SE Vancouver Island, BC.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Vintage Gardens is offering this rose in gallon size.