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'Lady Baillie' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 297.  
Lady Baillie Hybrid Spinosissima, pale sulphur, R. spinosissima hybrid; Lee, prior to 1848... possibly one parent of 'Harison's Yellow'...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 48.  
Baillie, Lady (?) in England before 1817; yellow, double.
Book  (30 Sep 1921)  Page(s) 40.  
Inventory of Seeds and Plants Imported by the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction during the period from July 1 to September 30, 1921 (No. 68; Nos. 53896 to 54425).
54239.  Rosa spinosissima X (?).
Var. Lady Bailey.
Magazine  (23 Jun 1917)  Page(s) 40.  
Scotch Roses.
...From the garden of the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, the Arboretum received a few years ago a collection of Scotch Roses for which this garden was once famous.  A plant in this collection called Jupiter, with pale pink single flowers, and another called Lady Boilles [sic] with small pale yellow flowers are attractive and worth attention.  The Scotch Roses are with the other species in the general Shrub Collection.
Magazine  (1 Jul 1886)  Page(s) 108.  
Rosa spinosissima ou Rosier Pimprenelle
Choix des mailleures variétés.
Lady Baillie, double, jaune paille.
Book  (1866)  Page(s) 132-3.  
The Scotch Rose.
A list of named varieties of the Scotch Rose would, from their multiplicity, and want of distinctness, be even more unsatisfactory than the florist's lists of pansies or verbenas. The following, however, are good:
Sulphurea, Lady Baillie, and the Marchioness of Lansdowne are of a pale straw or sulphur color.
Book  (1849)  Page(s) 31, supplement.  
Descriptive List of Roses.
List of roses that bloom only once in the season.
Scotch Roses.
1849 Lady Baillie... Pale sulphur color.
Book  (1848)  Page(s) 18.  
The Scotch Rose.
40. Lady Baillie; flowers pale straw-colour.
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 428.  
Early Summer Roses. Straw and Sulphur.
Scotch Roses. — (Rosa spinosissima.)
Lady Baillie, double and cupped.
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 410.  
Although the present work pretends to treat only of rose culture as practised by the French, it would be unjust to pass over wholly without notice the remarkable varieties obtained in our own country. A list of the finest roses, of unquestionable English origin, is therefore subjoined; which the lapse of a few years will probably enable us to double in extent.
Rosa Spinosissima.
Scotch Roses.
Lady Baillie
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